Bulletin Board Mag 2015 2nd Quarter
Events Recap
Shore Builders Association EVENTS RECAP
February 2015 - Annual FAME Awards Committee From left to right - Rick Pristis, Debbie Cangi, Giovanna Pergola, Mike Skea, Kelly Fliller, Len Sandolsky, Marge Karahuta, Chris Amato, Rosemary Johnson, Stephanie, Shaffery, Susan Smith, Adam Lepore
Post Convention SchmoozaPalooza
at Ferguson From left to right Back Row: Frank Robinson 3rd Row: Rich Robinson, Pat Ward, Chris Cowan, Nick Macluso, Chris Amato 2nd Row: Steve Dalton, James Pittenger, Kelly Fliller, Liz Widdis, Michelle Madden, Matt Amato Front: Brad Campbell
February 2015 - Annual FAME Awards
SchmoozaPalooza at Ferguson A standing room only crowd at Schmooza Palooza
January 2015 - Economic Forecast Breakfast Meeting Speaker: Anika Khan of Wells Fargo addresses the audience.
February 2015 - Annual FAME Awards Julie Jenner, Greg Pouliot, Mary Lou Finer
January 2015 - Economic Forecast Breakfast Meeting Fred Patterson, Paul Schneiner, Jeanne Tomlinson
February 2015 - Annual FAME Awards Cocktail Networking
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