Bulletin Board Magazine 2018 Volume 3
New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program
ew Jersey’s Clean Energy Program™ (NJCEP) has provided hundreds of millions of dollars to businesses and homeowners to implement energy efficient measures. These rebates are available to every energy consumer that pays into the societal benefits charge, a surcharge collected by New Jersey’s investor owned utilities. 70,000 rebates for building energy-efficient homes and multifamily apartments since 2001. Residences built under the program are not only constructed to save energy and its related costs, but also provide a more comfortable and healthier lifestyle for their occupants. RNC pairs builders and contractors with a program rater, who help guide participants through the program process, including filling out paperwork, carrying out inspections and offering continuous assistance throughout the project. The RNC Program has made some changes in the rebate structure, starting on August 1,2018, for Fiscal Year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019). A base incentive is provided for each type of home and level of participation in RNC, plus a program incentive based on incremental MMBtu (million Btu) energy savings above a reference home meeting the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), currently NJ’s Energy Code. NJCEP’s Residential New Construction (RNC) Program has given builders and developers over
The first level of rebates is for ENERGY STAR® Homes, offering a $1,000 base rebate and $30 per MMBtu (measure of energy content in fuel) saved for single family homes. ENERGY STAR Homes, whether single- family, multi-single or multifamily, are the most common projects in the program and have significant energy savings and comfort impacts for thousands of homeowners across the state. The most progressive homes incentivized in Residential New Construction are the Zero Energy Ready Home and Zero Energy Ready Home with 100% renewables. Rebates for qualifying single-family homes range from $4,000 plus $30/MMBtu to $6,000 plus $30/ MMBtu. Zero Energy Ready Homes promote innovation in building design, materials, techniques and operations. These homes are designed to save energy, money and create a comfortable and safe environment for its occupants. Zero Energy Ready Homes typically have a more comfortable air temperature, better indoor air quality and less sound pollution than an average dwelling. New Jersey Clean Energy Program’s Residential New Construction Program is designed to create comfortable energy-efficient homes throughout the state. Rebates are available for those who are looking to build above and beyond with an ENERGY STAR or Zero Energy Ready Home.
If you are interested in participating in the program or have any questions, please email us at NJRNCinfo@NJCleanEnergy.com or call 866-NJSMART.
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