Bulletin Board Magazine 2018 Volume 3
SBA Membership
XXXX Article by XXXX
SBA Membership by Kim Manicone, Vice President of Associates, Membership & Associates Committee Chair
Kim Manicone USI Insurance Services
and beyond in the past year to demonstrate their commitment and dedication to our association. On September 12th we presented these distinguished members with the following Frank Swol, EAM Associates Jack Meyer Memorial Rookie of theYear Tom Bovino, Jackson Development Company, LLC - Cornerstone Award
industry awards during our Night of Honor, held at the Jumping Brook Country Club in Neptune. Congratulations to these individuals for their service to our association.
he New Jersey Builders Association Board of Directors passed a resolution declaring this September as Associate Appreciation Month. While we appreciate our Associate members all year long, this month in particular we are celebrating the contributions and recognizing the importance of our Associate members to our industry! As the Vice President of Associates and Membership & Associates Committee Chair for Shore Builders Association of Central New Jersey, it is my honor to official thank all of our associate members for everything they do for our association. Just in case you aren’t familiar with an “Associate Member”, the term refers to members who are trade contractors, professional service providers, and consultants that are not builders, but who specialize in the new home building industry. These members provide valuable products and services, and help keep our association running. Through their support of programs, events, sponsorships, committee involvement, and community service our association remains strong and viable. Now in its 33rd year, the Shore Builders Association of Central New Jersey will be showing gratitude to the innovative associates members who have gone above
James Pittenger, Pittenger Builders Remodeler of theYear
Vito Cardinale, Cardinale Enterprises Builder of theYear
Chris Cowan, CohnReznick Associate of theYear Adam Lepore, Citizens Bank Associate Continuous Service All County Enterprises Associate Hall of Fame, Company Marge Karahuta Exit 98 George Realty Associate Hall of Fame, Individual
CoreyWescoe, Pulte Group Builder Continuous Service John Cummins K. Hovnanian Companies Builder Hall of Fame
Arvo Prima, Pr-1-ma Corporation Community Service Award
American Properties - BEAM Award
In addition, we were honored to present the annual BEAM Award to American Properties. The BEAM (Builders Employing Associate Members) Award is one of the most prestigious awards for a builder member. Established by our Associate Members Committee, this award was designed to encourage builder members to use the goods and services offered by member companies and to annually recognize the one builder who exemplifies this vitally important teamwork. Join us in congratulating all of our award recipients!
The Annual Awards program is designed to celebrate associate member contributions to the Shore Builders local. They help increase the visibility of the successful associate members and demonstrate that participation is an investment. All associate members are eligible for the awards with nominees and winners selected by our awards committee members. We encourage all members to be active in the association, as your participation is what helps our local association, and our industry thrive.
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