Bulletin Board Magazine 2019 Volume 3
Shore Builders Association EVENTS RECAP
7-18-19 SBACNJ’s Annual BBQ on the Beach
We had a blast on Thursday, July 18th at Martell's in Point Pleasant at the SBACNJ Annual BBQ on the Beach. The day started out a little stormy, but the weather couldn't keep well over 300 attendees from the largest networking event of the year. We were prepared, but the rain stopped, and Jenkinson's even had their weekly fireworks. We would like to thank our BBQ on the Beach sponsors CMM Custom Homes, Whitestone Associates, Inc., Pella Windows and Doors, M&T Bank, Everest
Marble LLC, & Sharbell Development.
We would also like to thank everyone who brought and donated school supplies for the PWB & Young Professionals school supply drive to support the United Way's Tools for School. Congratulations to Mike Grace of Royal Building Products who was the winner of the bike donated by Shore Cycling.
Bulletin Board | 13 | www.shorebuilders.org
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