Bulletin Board Magazine 2021 Volume 1

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced during the pandemic?

attentiveness to clients, and my early document preparation, in just a few days we received the funding we needed.Thanks to the program we kept everyone working without any reductions. The working capital also helped me accelerate R&D to bring more production back to the United States.That makes us less dependent on foreign suppliers, which proved to be a threat when the global pandemic hit Europe.


JG: For small business owners like me, there isn’t a lot of room for error, even in the best of times.We’re personally and financially committed to our companies like no one else. Our willingness to evaluate and accept risk (and uncertainty) is greater than the average person, but at the same time we have to remember that not everyone has that same risk tolerance. AtWaltron I needed to make sure employees not only felt secure and fulfilled in their jobs, but that their perspectives on health and safety were accommodated. Some employees chose to work remotely one or more days a week. Then again, not everyone in a manufacturing industry has the capability to work remotely. So, it was important to me to communicate to my employees that while working remotely, they owed it to their colleagues remaining on site to stay focused and productive.

How has Provident Bank helped your business through the pandemic? How have they demonstrated their commitment?


JG: The communication from the SBA team at Provident Bank was outstanding. Matt Flannery and his SBA lending team were incredibly responsive and the first to share information. He and his team were always able to explain new developments regarding the Paycheck Protection Program thoroughly and clearly. It was comforting to know that Provident Bank had my back and knew how to accurately handle the situation. This is what separates Provident Bank from other banks. I made sure to share my experience with Chris Martin, Provident’s Chairman and CEO, and explain how much Matt Flannery and the SBA lending team helped my business. I wanted him to know how proud he should be of his people. Even when the world is in complete disarray, Provident Bank has the resources and strategies to handle it, and they made it look effortless. That’s commitment you can count on!

How has the pandemic changed how you will do business moving forward?


JG: We prepared ourselves to seek additional funding and resources once we knew how bad this was going to be. My main concern was keeping our employees working.The SBA team at Provident Bank was extraordinary.Without a doubt, Provident’s attention to detail and commitment to its customers proved to be a real advantage for my business.The help I received from the SBA team, especially with the Paycheck Protection Program was flawless. Because of Provident’s superior organization,

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