Bulletin Board Magazine 2021 Volume 2

Marketing Perspectives


You just went live with the GOAT website! That’s so exciting in so many ways. A new website gives your company a fresh reset that can be just the spark that gets your customers and team excited about your brand again. Since it’s the hub of your marketing activities, having a new website is critical to your sales efforts. But once you’ve gone live with your new website how do you attract visitors and get the word out to Google (generic for search engines, sort of like Xerox for copies) that your website is ready for action? We’re all familiar with the saying “If you build it, they will come” from the classic 80’s movie Field of Dreams. I’m sorry to say that this concept does NOT apply to websites! It only works in the movies and if you’re Kevin Costner. I know. Everyone thinks if they build

the most amazing (GOAT) website that there will be hundreds and thousands of visitors flocking to it daily. Many of my clients that go live with a new website want to check their Google analytics and see those visitor numbers soar. But, unfortunately, that’s not how it works in the Google-verse. Building a website is just the beginning. After it goes live, there’s a whole process for getting that website to perform. Google doesn’t automatically reward you with high rankings for an organic search result. It doesn’t just bring your URL up to the top of the results list because you built a super-duper-ally-uper site. There is a specific process for gaining organic search rankings and I’m about to share with you the best strategic starting line-up to become #1!

Stephanie Shaffery, President Flair Marketing Group LLC 2021 FAME Co-Chair

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