Bulletin Board Magazine 2022 Volume 1

Young Professional Present at the OCVTS Breakfast


On March 15th, Our YP Committee coordinated a breakfast at the OCVTS Brick Campus to discuss current industry employment needs with Gary McDonald, the school's Curriculum Director. Our membership provided input on current industry trends and tips for training to incorporate into the courses future curriculums so the students who graduate possess the skills needed to join or start their own trade business. During the breakfast, attendees were able to visit the classroom, speak with the carpentry instructor and to current students about future job opportunities. If you are interested in contributing by sharing your industry knowledge with tomorrow's trade workforce, please reach out to Adam: adam@netwaveinteractive.com 732-674-9629

Toms River EastVOTEC Event


On March 22nd members of SBACNJ & Young Professionals provided a VOTEC event to the students at Toms River East High School promoting career opportunities in the building industry.

Gina McNamara | Ben Caturano, Cardinal Electric Kristin Marzarella, All County Exteriors , Kevin Kernahan, American Properties Lou Padula, Padula Builders | Alexa Robbins, Earle | Chris Cowan, Wiss & Company Nicole Wallner, OCVTS Admissions

Continued ›

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