CNJ+ December 2023
A Monmouth County town in New Jersey made headlines in the begin ning of 2023 after it filed a lawsuit against the state of New Jersey for auto theft. The town, which has seen a sharp increase in the number of auto thefts in recent years, is arguing that the state has failed to provide adequate pro tection for its residents and their property. Middletown Mayor Tony Perry announced that a lawsuit would be filed by the township against the state and its Council on Local Mandates, for costs incurred while trying to keep residents safe from vehicle thefts. According to the lawsuit, the town has experienced a surge in auto thefts over the past several years, with the number of stolen vehicles increasing by more than 80% in just one year. Despite repeated requests for assistance from the state, the town claims that the New Jersey State Police and other law enforcement agencies have been slow to respond and have not provided adequate protection for its residents. The lawsuit argues that the state of New Jersey has a duty to provide ad equate protection to its citizens, including protecting their property from theft. It further alleges that the state has failed to meet this duty by failing to allocate sufficient resources to fight auto theft, failing to provide timely as sistance to victims of auto theft, and failing to take adequate steps to prevent
auto theft from occurring in the first place. The lawsuit seeks damages for the cost of stolen vehicles, lost property, and other expenses incurred as a result of the increased rate of auto theft in the town. It also seeks injunctive relief, asking the court to order the state to provide more resources for law enforcement and to take additional steps to prevent auto theft from occurring. The lawsuit has generated a great deal of attention and has sparked a larger conversation about the role of the state in protecting its citizens. Some have argued that the lawsuit is a necessary step to hold the state accountable for failing to provide adequate protection, while others have criticized it as an overreach that could set a dangerous precedent. Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, it has highlighted the need for greater resources and attention to be devoted to fighting auto theft in New Jersey. With the number of auto thefts on the rise, it is clear that more needs to be done to protect residents and their property. Whether through in creased law enforcement presence, better security measures, or other solu tions, it is clear that something must be done to address this growing prob lem in Monmouth County and throughout the state. CNJ+ will keep you updated as we here more.
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