CNJ+ October 2024


2. See with the soul instead of the eyes that judge. The more you learn to look within and shift your habits, the less you judge yourself and others. 3. Everything is nothing, and nothing is everything. This Buddhist notion al lows us to seek abundance while also real izing the littleness in things that feel irrel evant or bring us down. Choose to discern your days with a healthier perspective. 4. Know the behavioral difference between resilience and resistance. Re silient people surrender and try again. Resistant folks create a no-budge zone and may appear demanding or irratio nal. Stay aware of how you show up. Do you flow like water, or do you resist like a dam? 5. Deep breathing enhances balance. Inside each lesson are breathing cues called a ‘breathwork symphony’ that, if practiced, the reader will deeply breathe over 216 times during the book, enhanc ing health, character, and integrity. Are you breathing before you speak? Find out! 6. Mother Nature is an excellent teach er. From visualizing trees to mountains, even billy goats and flowers, you’re not so different from mother nature, which is constantly changing; perhaps you’ll be more open to what comes at you without force when you study a cloud or a leaf. 7. Kind communication is the path to integrity. In today’s societal matrix, words can lay a trail of roses or thorns. The poetic lyricism throughout Silent In tegrity encourages the reader to become a beacon of quiet observation to relay the healthiest communication. Get out of your own way and turn hab its into meaningful intentions as you continue to climb. If you’re interested in reading the book or learning more about the philosophies of how it was written, please visit www.thek If the above served you in any way, keep giving more of that service to the world and live with integrity. It looks beautiful on you.

I am a proud Millstone native, and since graduating Millstone Elementary over 30 years ago, I have served clients in the area. I also recently hired a personal trainer who lives in Millstone, and I have been visiting Dr. Falks’ dentist’s office since I was in 6th grade. As a testament to the fabric of the Mill stone community, which is surrounded by lush greenery, farms, trees, horses, and animals, I wanted to share my take on ego and authenticity from a writing philosophy I’ve adopted based on moth er nature. My eighth self-published book, Silent Integrity, is an emotional intelligence guide to inspire adults to understand their energy. As an executive coach, I want people to recognize their ability to go out in the world and have better emo tional control by tapping into silence. The stimulus of today’s fast race to the finish line produces a harsh marker of so cietal rushing that can cut into anyone’s self-development process, especially if there’s a lack of commitment, half-plan, or too much outside ‘noise.’ If you’re dedicated to self-empower ment, I’ve written seven tips on becom ing a quiet observer so you can engage from a higher perspective rather than playing with anger, frustration, or a feel ing of ‘loss’ or ‘not enough.’ Greater emotional control offers re markable ways to show up as a human being. Here are seven Silent Integrity mind fulness ideas to utilize quiet power to understand yourself and others, create healthy boundaries, and begin to speak up for your worth. 1. Stay present on your journey. The book is based on a spiritual climb through the energy centers in the body. Enjoy your trek and recognize those who remain at the mountain’s base. The more you learn to enjoy your days on this earth, the less you’ll be preoccupied with those who do not.



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