Hell's Eyes


the creature’s reputation, and thus, Hell’s Eyes and Sir Elias Thomason were born. Having spent so much time developing this world and this trilogy, I’ve grown quite attached to the history and culture of Tenebris. Com mitted to the stories of both my characters and the details laid out in Tenebris: An Introduction to the World of the Heirs of Tenebris Trilogy , I’ve decided to try my hand at writing this series tie-in and adopted what I imagine to be Sir Elias Thomason’s style. While this may be a different style than the main story of my Heirs of Tenebris trilogy, this is not meant to be a continuation to it or a prequel of it, but rather an extension of the world existing within its pages. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into Tenebrese popular culture and my attempt at writing in a Gothic-inspired style while exploring the history of the cerbertes. Happy reading! B rianna R. S haffery


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