INSIGHTS Magazine Fall 2021

Steps to Receive Your Rebate Check

Steps to Receive Your Rebate Check

Register: To start receiving your rebate, please register on our website. This tells us where to mail your check. If already registered, skip to the next step.


Calendar & Deadlines: View the calendar to determine what you can claim for and when the deadline is to submit.


Address where products were install ny __________________________ ess or Lot/Block _________________ ______________________________ on’t have to use this form! Claim Online at: plate or send us an email with your addresses Call (866-849-8400) or email (info@ Visit fo

ineered Wood

# of Home must have Boise

Home Sq. Footage:

omplete all:

lier Contact Name & Phone #:

Claim: Every quarter if you have a completed home, remodeling project, or multi-family unit that used any of our participating manufacturers, complete and submit the current Rebate Claim Form. Once your Rebate Claim has been submitted, please view our Claims Process link on our website for detail on when you will receive your remittance statement and your quarterly lump-sum rebate check.

erglass Entry Doors

Check Highest

Smooth-Star - “Good” * Fi - Product Number(’s) Only:_ Highest Level -




Gas Qty:

Gas Model #(’s): Exception - No Rebate For Model #: DV37

Wood Mantels/Cabinets Qty: Fireplace Distributor:


Please include S

No Multi-Family

Subcontractor: Wood (Min. 350 ft.) Product Name:

Carpet (Min. 150 yards) Product Name:

xample: Landmark Look ®

For example: Franklin Oak ®

age Doors

Single Car Doors - 10’ wide or less

List Qty: Non-Insulated el Back 1-3/8 & 2” Steel 2 Sides

Steel Insulated Vinyl-Back Steel Overlay Collection

Wood Carriage House Collection Avante/Canyon Ridge Collection

Custom Columns


Qty of Columns Installed:

Total Amt of Purchases: $

The avg. rebate per Builder/Remodeler c


Submit to Claims Department: P. O. Box 1073, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742, by scan & email to:, or


► Contact Us with any questions

Receive Your Rebate Check!

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