INSIGHTS Magazine Summer 2020
I N S I G H T S Magazine
INSIGHTS to new participating Manufacturers in Q2 ’20
Icynene has been a participating Manufacturer in the Member Rebate Program since 2015. In 2018, Icynene and Lapolla banded together. As Icynene was the pioneer in open-cell technology decades ago and Lapolla was the first to globally commercialize a closed-cell HFO product, together, they understand that technology advancements are at the core of the industry's success and have new products and developments in the works that can be expected as a result from this merger. Spray foam insulation works by sealing the building envelope to stop conditioned air from escaping and prevent unwanted outside air from entering your home. It allows efficient use of your HVAC system and helps regulate the temperature fluctuations and humidity in your home. It is a lightweight, durable, and versatile insulation solution boasting the industry’s strongest performance in energy efficiency and energy cost savings. Lapolla was the first in the world to commercialize the latest spray foam insulation technology. As an industry leader in high performance building products, they strive to raise the bar in energy efficiency and sustainable building practices. Lapolla is trusted by homeowners, building owners, contractors, and the architectural community. They have earned that trust through world class products and technical services that provide value in energy savings for the entire life of a building. In 2003, Heatilator and Heat & Glo became a participating Manufacturer in the Member Rebate Program. This quarter we added SimpliFire, a name you can trust, that is also part of the Hearth & Home Technologies (HHT) family of brands. HHT is the world's leading developer and producer of hearth products. Their tagline reflects their mission, to make fire simple. They do this by making it easy for you to choose and install the right electric fireplace for your home or space, so you can enjoy its comfort and ambiance with a touch of a button. SimpliFire fits what consumers increasingly want: modern technologies and ecofriendly features. You can install a SimpliFire electric fireplace nearly anywhere without the need for a gas line or venting. SimpliFire fireplaces are perfect for zone heating. Save energy and resources by efficiently heating only the areas you need heat when you need it. SimpliFire fireplaces enable you to enjoy the ambiance year-round, with or without the heat.
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