INSIGHTS Magazine Summer 2020
I N S I G H T S Magazine
INSIGHTS to our Quarterly Claim Deadlines Please remember that in 2020, based on Manufacturer feedback, our quarterly claim deadlines are final deadlines with no exceptions. Quarterly deadlines are as follows - Current Quarter:
1 st Quarter 2020 – End of May 2020 / 2 nd Quarter 2020 – End of August 2020 3 rd Quarter 2020 – End of November 2020 / 4 th Quarter 2020 – End of February 2021
INSIGHTS to an Easier Claims Process Let us make it easier for you by creating a customized form with just the Manufacturers you installed. If you have claimed with us before, we will even pre-populate it for you to simplify the process. No receipts and a customized form:
INSIGHTS to updated Products The AeroTherm® utilizes both heat-pump technology and back-up electric heating elements to heat water. This integrated system helps to drive the AeroTherm’s economical and efficient operation. During heat pump operation, a fan draws heat from the air into a compressor and evaporator to heat refrigerant. Once heated, the refrigerant
travels through a coil that fully surrounds the water storage tank. The AeroTherm® Series heat pump water heater provides considerable energy while greatly reducing the cost of water heating.
The Smarter Way to Go Tankless: The Infiniti™ K Series of tankless water heaters is the smarter way to go tankless. The Infiniti K uses STEADISET™ Technology to keep water temperature consistent and virtually eliminate “cold water sandwich” with NO inter nal buffer tank. It features SRT™ Scale Reduction Technology for better performance, longer operational life, and lower maintenance costs versus conventional tankless. The series delivers efficiency up to .96 UEF, which helps maximize the financial benefits of choosing tankless. INSIGHTS to our Affiliate Partners We are proud to be able to offer our Builder members yet another benefit! Affiliate Partners are businesses in our industry that provide a value-added benefit to HBA members. Sherwin Williams – Interested in switching to Sherwin Williams, the world’s largest paint company? Switch and receive a quarterly rebate through the Member Rebate Program for being a new customer! SpecItUp - SpecItUp automates and makes more precise the error-prone process of setting selling prices for new homes that guarantees a profit for the builder. The basis of SpecItUp functionality is its ability to manage, price, and d etermine the margins for various features contained in the “base home” that builders offer to their buyers. By knowing the combined price of the features, the builder can determine his square foot selling price, apply his desired margins, and set a home price that maximizes profits. Receive a monthly discount by being an HBA member through the Member Rebate Program!
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