INSIGHTS Magazine-Summer 2023
Introducing Timberline ® UHDZ ™ Shingles
Our new premium laminate shingles compete with others in the category with a balanced combina�on of beauty, benefits, and GAF- exclusive technologies not available from any other shingle. If you're looking for a high - quality roofing solu�on that can offer both durability and aesthe�c appeal, Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingles are worth considering. These shingles are designed to provide a bold, dimensional look that mimics the appearance of natural wood shakes. They are made with advanced materials that can offer excep�onal resistance to wind, impact, and other types of damage. One of the key benefits of Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingles is their toughness. Like Timberline ® HDZ ™ shingles, Timberline ® UHDZ ™ shingles now feature proprietary LayerLock ® Technology and are eligible for the WindProven ™ Limited Wind Warranty 1 when installed with the required combina�on of four qualifying GAF accessories. LayerLock ® Technology helps to secure the shin gle layers together, making them more resistant to wind damage. Addi�onally, Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingles are made with high- quality asphalt that can resist cracking and spli�ng, even in extreme weather condi�ons. Another advantage of Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingles is their versa�lity. They are available in a wide range of colors and styles, so you can choose the one that best fits your home's exterior. Whether you're looking for a bold, drama�c look or a more subdued, natural appearance, there's a Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingle that can meet your needs. Of course, appearance isn't the only thing that maters when it comes to roofing materials. That's why Timberline® UHDZ ™ shingles are also designed to offer excep�onal performance. They have a Class A fire ra�ng, which means they can withstand high temperatures without catching fire. Addi�onally, they have passed rigorous tests for resistance to wind, impact, and other types of damage.
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