Monmouth County's Ask The Doctor July/August 2018
Medicaid/J.A.C.C. Covered Service However, there are certain situations in which the father can have something to do with the determination of gender. The father is in charge of producing the chromosome that determines whether the baby will be a girl or a boy. The fam- ily tree of the dad influences these results. If the dad comes from a family of all boys, meaning he has all brothers, he will most likely produce a male chromosome. If the dad comes from a fam- ily of all girls, meaning he has all sister, he will most likely produce a female chromosome. Unfortunately, the mother’s family tree has nothing to do with the gender of the baby, but there are other things that the mother can do that can influence the gender as well. For example, nutrients and living conditions can help with the determination of gender. You have always been there for your mom, and now GoldenYears Care is here for you B or Girl? How Genetics Det rmine Gender By Gabriella Mancuso A baby’s sex is determined by X and Y chro- mosomes. With the X chromosome being female and the Y chromosome being male the gender of a baby is usually a 50/50 chance. Call UsToday For ATour or Info! (732) 851-6640 • Medical AppointmentTransportation • Around-the-clock attention • Physical & OccupationalTherapy In House • Free Door-to-DoorTransportation • Delicious Food Options (Spanish, Russian, Italian & more) • Onsite & Offsite Activities: (Ping Pong, Zumba, Shopping Excursions, Museums, Crafts,Trips to the Shore and much more) • Onsite Hairdresser Serving Monmouth, Middlesex & Ocean Residents Conveniently off Rt 33 and NJTurnpike Exit 8 108Woodward Rd. Manalapan, New Jersey If your loved one needs care during the day, trust GoldenYears Care to put them in good hands!
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