MILLSTONE May 2018.2
As We Age
Seeking Local Stars for Stories! Do you want to discover new things about your neighbors? Want to be in the headlines? Want to see your pictures published? We’re looking for neighborhood families or individuals with a story to share to grace the pages and cover of this publication. Your story might include love, romance, drama or any combination of the three. It could be to celebrate a milestone in your life, share about a recent vacation, or simply to introduce yourself and share what you love about the community. Everyone has a story to share, and we want to help you tell yours. We’ll talk with you, write the article and place some photos on our pages too! If you know others who would enjoy this opportunity, we welcome nominations. Begin by brainstorming the people you know who you’d like to see in this publication. They might be your next-door neighbors and friends, volunteers who serve others through local charities, community leaders, athletes, artists or hobbyists. You can also nominate someone for the “Let me Shake Your Hand” column. Do you know someone in your community with a great story to tell? Maybe they recently started a business, won an award, took a trip or made a difference? These are the people we want in the “Let me shake your hand” column! To get started, go to and click the email envelope icon on the top right to simply e-mail us. Email us your idea and contact information. Your content coordinator at GPE will contact you soon. With your help, we can bring people together, stay connected and create an informative, family-friendly forum through this publication.
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resurrection ceMeterY feAturing MAusoLeuM of the hoLY sPirit Hoes Lane and Park Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854 • Premier glass niches available for cremated remains • pre construction pricing available
The Millstone Times
May 2018
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