Monmouth Ask The Doctor March-April 2019

Male Infertility By Abigail Urban

JUNCTION Sometimes the cause of male infertility is unknown. In these cases, it may be genetic, lifestyle, or environmental factors. Diagnosis: For most men, a doctor can help find the cause of infertility. It may be a related health problem. Your doctor will do an exam and review your medical history. A semen analysis will tell your sperm count and quality. These are import- ant aspects of fertility. Another test your doctor may do is a check of your hormone levels. PreventioN: You cannot always prevent male infertility. However, there are factors that can affect this condition that you should avoid. These include: • smoking • alcohol abuse • drug abuse • emotional stress • obesity Infertility is the state of being unable to get pregnant. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, about 15% of couples are infertile after they have been trying to get pregnant for one year with no success. Symptoms: Typically, men do not have symptoms of infertility. Contact your doctor if you have tried to get pregnant for one year without the use of birth control and your partner has not gotten pregnant. Causes: The most common cause of male infertility is a varicocele. It occurs when you have enlarged veins in your scro- tum. A varicocele can occur on one or both sides. It makes the inside of your scrotum warmer, which reduces sperm pro- duction. Age can also be a factor. Fertility starts to decrease in men after age 35. Other causes include: • a blockage in your reproductive system • undescended testicles • low sperm count • sperm that are abnormally shaped or that don’t move correctly • hormone problems • certain health conditions, such as cancer

M E N ’ S H E A L T H


• overheated testicles, which can kill sperm. This can occur from frequent hot tub use or wearing under- wear or pants that are too tight. Treatment: More than half of male infertility cases can be correct- ed. Treatment options depend on the root cause. Medi- cine can improve hormone levels or erectile dysfunction. Surgery can help correct physical problems, such as a var- icocele. It also can repair blockages or other damage. Sur- gery often is minor and done as an outpatient procedure. There is not always a cure for male infertility. The 4 most important questions to ask your doctor are: 1. What is the recovery time for surgery to treat male infertility? 2. Will treatment make it possible for us to have a baby? 3. If treatment doesn’t work, what are our other options? 4. If my partner or I are over the age of 35, do we have to wait until we haven’t been successful for a year before being tested for infertility?


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