Monmouth County's Ask the Doctor Sept/Oct

Envision Permanent Makeup By Sandy Marinko 732-547-0643 • • 500 Route 33 West • Millstone, NJ to improve the appearance and bring back symmetry. CAN YOU DISGUISE SCARS ON OR AROUND MY AREOLA? Yes. For example, white halo scar lines around the Areola can be smoothed and camouflaged. AREOLA SCARS AFTER BREAST ENLARGEMENT OR REDUCTION Breast surgery often involves trauma to the nipple. Sometimes surgery scars can remain. Can you make changes to my current areola? Yes, If you’re uncomfortable with the color, shape or size of your areola, I can help create a more satisfying and pleas- ing look. HOW MUCH DOES AREOLA RESTORATION COST? Each individual case is different and averages $50 to $100 for the months of September & October only (Reg. $300-$600) so please get in touch to discuss how I can help. Hours are By Appointment Only. Call Soon! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month AREOLA RESTORATION & AREOLA SCAR TREATMENT SPECIAL WHAT IS AREOLA RESTORATION? Areola restoration is the use of various tattoo methods to improve the appearance of the breast areola. This may be improving the color if it has faded, camouflaging scars or even replicating areas of skin. The overall aim and effect is

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