Princeton's Ask The Doctor November-December 2018
QUESTION: I get bloated when I consume dairy and I get fatigued when I eat wheat. Do I have food allergies? ANSWER:
252 W. Delaware Ave Pennington, NJ 08534
A food allergy occurs when the immune system responds abnormally to food proteins. These allergies are classified by type of immune reaction. An IgE immediate food allergy is the classic peanut allergy. The immune response is fast - symptoms usually starting within 30 minutes. Hives, itchy/ swollenmouth, throat discomfort, difficult breathing, vomiting/diarrhea are the characteristic symptoms. It is potentially a life-threatening situation. A “skin prick” test is used to diagnose which foods (or additives to foods) are causing the immediate food allergies. An IgG or IgA food allergy produces chronic symptoms. Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition where IgG and IgA antibodies attack the gluten in wheat and then cross react to the intestinal wall. Damage to the intestinal wall causes poor absorption of nutrients and can lead to health problems like anemia and osteoporosis. A blood test is used to diagnose celiac disease. Food sensitivity is a delayed reaction to foods that occurs up to 72 hours after consuming the food. Many believe it involves the IgG antibody class. The most common symptoms include abdominal bloating and pain, joint pain, headache, brain fog, fatigue and rashes. Because the symptoms are common and delayed from the triggering foods, many people with difficult to diagnose symptoms will request these kinds of food sensitivity blood tests. Recent advances in food sensitivity testing has made these tests much more accurate and revealing than they used to be. Food intolerance is a reaction to food that does not involve the immune system. Lactose intolerance is a condition of varying degrees of bloating, abdominal discomfort and diarrhea caused by low levels of the enzymes needed to break down cow’s milk. Treatment of adverse reactions to foods is avoidance of the triggering food or food additives. The trick is to know your triggering foods.
Dr Kate Thomsen’s office for holistic health care is located in Pennington, NJ. She is trained in Family Medicine, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. She has been practicing Functional Medicine for 20 years. For more information see or call the office at 609-818-9700.
QUESTION: What’s new in dentistry today?
For many years dentists would promote their practices as “Cosmetic Dentistry”. To many, the term cosmetic dentistry would mean the use of veneers to make the front teeth look whiter and healthier, or the use of composite restorations instead of the silver, amalgam fillings. Today, when the term “cosmetic” is used, it also needs to include “facial esthetics”. It is not correct to separate the teeth and their appearance, from the smile or even the rest of the face. The entire facial structure needs to be evaluated when you want to achieve that perfect smile.
David P. Young, DMD, DICOI Unfortunately, as we age, changes occur not only to our teeth and gums, but also the muscles of the face. As these muscles relax, facial tone and fullness diminish and wrinkles develop. To achieve optimal esthetic goals this needs to be addressed as well, not only the broken yellow front teeth. With the use of Botox and Dermal Fillers, a more youthful beauty can be restored to your face and your new smile will radiate even better. Millions of people use Botox and Dermal fillers to achieve a more relaxed and smooth facial appearance, while still having the freedom of expression. Not only is Botox used for esthetic purposes, it is very helpful for people who suffer from TMJ syndrome, chronic migraine headaches, and other types of facial pain. Botox is an FDA approved purified protein which is injected into targeted muscles and temporarily blocks signals that cause muscle movement, essentially relaxing the muscle which reduces or eliminates fine lines and wrinkles. An attractive smile can significantly improve your image and self-confidence. Total facial esthetics will bring out your full beauty potential. For further information on Facial Esthetics and Cosmetic Dentistry, feel free to contact my office for a consultation. Your smile is not limited to how good your teeth look, it’s how you radiate with total facial beauty.
4432 Route 27, CN-201, Kingston, NJ 08528 Phone: 609.497.0808 www.David
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