Princeton's Ask The Doctor November-December 2018

A sk the A udiologist

Question: Are there comorbidities associated with hearing loss? Answer:

Comorbidities refers to the concurrent presence of two chronic diseases, or the presence of one or more additional disorders occurring simultaneously with a primary disorder. With the third most common medical condition in the US being hearing loss, comorbidities may occur. Currently there are known chronic conditions associated with hearing loss comorbidities. Research has focused on comorbid conditions associated with hearing loss including dementia, social isolation/ depression, cerebrovascular/ car- diovascular disease, and diabetes. There is a link between dementia and hearing loss. The brain hears, and when sound is not clearly transmitted, the brain struggles with cognitive load causing deterioration of unused neural pathways.

Social Isolation/Depression and hearing loss have been linked because untreated hearing loss interferes with speech and word discrimination in challenging listening environments. Thus leading some to avoid social situations. Cerebrovascular/ cardiovascular disease is also linked to hearing loss. Blood pressure limits blood flow and this can have adverse effects on hearing. The circulatory system is crucial to the auditory and nervous system. The link between hearing loss and diabetes is associated with mechanisms related to microvascular fac- tors, inflammation or hyperglycemia. High blood glucose causes tiny blood vessels in the inner ear to break, disrupting sound discrimination. Although hearing loss can be associated with these conditions, keep in mind that hearing loss is irrevers- ible; however, it is treatable. If you or someone you love have been diagnosed with memory issues, cardiac-disease, diabetes or depres- sion, Dr. Tara Fuchs and Dr. Jane Brady encourage you to come into their office for a complete audiologic evaluation. Their offices are in East Windsor 609-448-9730 and Pennington 609-303-0291.

Dr. Tara L. Fuchs, AuD, FAAA East Windsor Medical Commons 300A Princeton Hightstown Road, Suite 204 East Windsor, NJ 08724 • 609-448-9730

Dr. Jane C. Brady, AuD, FAAA Investor’s Saving Bank Building 84 Route 31 North, Suite 200 Pennington, NJ 08534 • 609-303-0291

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