Princeton's Ask The Doctor September/October 2018
Publishing Enterprises, Inc. GUNTHER
Health Articles and Q&A Pages ............................ 5 Your questions answered from local physicians, medical news and information Kids’ Health ............................................................12 Information, news and expert advice to raising healthy children from pregnancy to 18 The Healthy Palate ............................................... 24 Recipes to enjoy and local dining options for eating out Healthy Home ....................................................... 27 Here you will find expert tips to make your home healthier, safe and fabulous Physician Profiles . ................................................ 35 Physician information, including credentials, to help you choose a doctor or find out more about a doctor that you go to now Financial Health .................................................. 36 Information, resources and news related to the health and well-being of your financial future As We Age .............................................................40 Articles and physician information just for seniors Men’s Health .........................................................46 Expert tips for Men’s health and fitness Healthy Mind & Soul ............................................50 Inspirational stories and advice on achieving mental balance and clarity I Am Beautiful ....................................................... 52 Everything from tips to trends Where to go in NJ for specialty services Diet & Fitness ........................................................ 55
Monmouth County’s ASK THE DOCTOR The Greater Princeton Area ASK THE DOCTOR THE MILLSTONE TIMES
Publisher Cami Gunther
Marketing Consultants Jolene Conoscenti Dawn Gibson Leanne Swallwood
Director of Recruitment/Event Coordinator Jolene Conoscenti Interns Nicole Iuzzolino Danielle Testa Gabriella Mancuso Abigail Urban
Art Director/ Graphic Designer Stephanie Frederick
Writers PamTeel
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