Princeton's Ask The Doctor September/October 2018
H E A L T H A R T I C L E S A N D Q & A 5. It’s only for adults – Not true! Children, including infants and toddlers can greatly benefit from chiropractic care. The youngest person I adjusted was my niece when she was only a couple hours old. Of course, adjustments are different than for adults, being that their little bones are so soft. Remember - keep your spine in line and you’ll be fine! IN GOOD HANDS CHIROPRACTIC CENTER, LLC • 609-924-9331 330 N. Harrison Street, Suite 6 • Princeton, NJ 08540 Myth or Not? If you have never had chiropractic care, I wonder if it may be because of some common myths you have heard. Here is some information to help dispel some of those myths: 1. Gettinganadjustmenthurts –youmayhaveheardpeople call chiropractors “bonecrushers,” I can assure you we do not “crush bones.” A chiropractor understands the skeletal, muscular and nervous system in a way that allows us to find the source of the problem and make adjustments to correct and alleviate symptoms. Adjustments are gentle and often patients feel a degree of relief immediately following the treatment. 2. Once I start, I’ll be going forever – Patients with an acute issue may come in for a few visits and obtain the relief they need. Others find that continued care increases their overall well-being and choose to seek care on an ongoing basis. Just like having your teeth cleaned regularly to maintain a healthy mouth, having your spine checked regularly is recommended to maintain a healthy spine. 3. Chiropractors are not real doctors – There is a common misconception that chiropractors are under-educated and not as qualified as medical doctors. Chiropractors attend 4 years of undergraduate school, then another 4 – 5 years to receive their doctorate. They must also pass National and State board certifications to become licensed. 4. Chiropractic care is dangerous – Chiropractic care is much safer than surgery or pain killers when it comes to your back or neck. Many physicians have recommended seeking chiropractic care before deciding on an extensive surgical procedure.
Allison J. Scharf, DC
QUESTION: What Is Leaky Gut and how do I know if I have it? ANSWER:
252 W. Delaware Ave Pennington, NJ 08534
Leaky Gut, aka Intestinal Permeability is a vastly misunderstood concept. The gut refers to the intestines (small and large) - a tube where digested food particles from the stomach get pushed along for further degradation and nutrient absorption. The wall of this intestinal tube provides a barrier between the products of food digestion on the inside of the tube to the blood stream just on the other side of the tube. Only the smallest particles (nutrients) pass from the gut into the blood. When the gut is inflamed, the walls get “leaky” letting larger particles get out into the blood. The immune system can go rogue and attack these “foreign” proteins in the blood creating more inflammation in other parts of the body. That’s the confusing part. Many people with abdominal symptoms do not have leaky gut. Its people with persistent headache, joint pains, rashes, fatigue, and those with autoimmune conditions that need to be evaluated for leaky gut. Inflammation that can lead to leaky gut occurs from the use of antibiotics, ibuprofen or aspirin, steroids, processed food (especially gluten), chemicals and additives in foods, cigarette smoking, chronic stress, unbalancedbacterial flora, infections andgenetic predisposition to inflammation and inflammatory bowel conditions.
The best test for leaky gut is the new biomarker Zonulin. A comprehensive functional stool test can reveal gut function imbalances. Food sensitivity tests can also be useful. To resolve leaky gut one needs to eliminate inflammatory triggers, improve digestion, support beneficial bacteria, and use herbs that soothe and heal the intestinal cells. With systemic inflammation controlled and nutrient absorption improved, many chronic health conditions from brain fog to eczema improve. Gut health is fundamental to functional medicine doctors and is often the first evaluation for both chronic conditions and prevention protocols. After all, Hippocrates taught us. “All disease begins in the gut.” Dr Kate Thomsen’s office for holistic health care is located in Pennington, NJ. She is trained in Family Medicine, and Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, and is an Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner. She has been practicing Functional Medicine for 20 years. For more information see or call the office at 609-818-9700.
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