Princeton's Ask the Doctor January-February 2020
Q: WHAT IS A PROSTHODONTIST? A: Prosthodontics is one of ten dental specialties recognized by the AmericanDental Association (ADA). A prosthodontist is a highly trained
dentist who has completed dental school plus three additional years of advanced training and education in an ADA-accredited Prosthodontic Postdoctoral Program. Prosthodontics is an all-encompassing specialty. A prosthodontist is responsible for the continuumof care and is the active leader from diagnosis and treatment planning through therapy and maintenance. Prosthodontists are extensively trained in state-of-the-art techniques and procedures for treating complex dental conditions in order to rehabilitate patients to proper form, function, comfort, aesthetics, and most importantly, health. A maxillofacial prosthodontist is a prosthodontist who has completed an additional fellowship post residency in the rehabilitation of patients with defects or disabilities that were present when born or developed due to disease or trauma.
Dentists, Dr. Drew, Dr. Issacson, and Dr. Reinhardt, are Prosthodontists who cover the specialties of cosmetic dentistry, general dentistry, and reconstructive dentistry, so you can conveniently keep your dental care within our Princeton dental practice.
At Prosthodontics of Princeton, our doctors specialize in the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation andmaintenance of teeth. Our office uses a combination of science, technology, and artistry to give you a successful result. We practice with the most recent advances in dental technology to restore and preserve the comfort, appearance and health of patients with missing or deficient teeth. Our office handles all aspects of dentistry, including cleanings, simple fillings, esthetic and restorative dentistry, teeth whitening, implants, crowns, bridges, veneers, and removable prosthetics (dentures). We provide life changing treatment including same-day implants and bridges, as well as prosthetics for oral and facial cancer, trauma, and congenital defects. While we may serve as the “architect” of your dental treatment plan, we gladly collaborate with other dental providers to facilitate your complete treatment. We look forward to helping you maintain or regain confidence in your smile.
• Full Mouth Reconstruction • Porcelain Veneers • Dental Bonding • Inlays and Onlays • Teeth Whitening • Maxillofacial Prosthetics
• Dental Fillings • Dental Implants • Dentures • Dental Bridges • Dental Crowns • Bruxism Treatments
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