Princeton's Ask the Doctor November-December 2019

K I D S ’ H E A L T H

Mercer Rowing Programs

Youth: Learn to Row summer camps from rising 6th graders. The nationally competitive Mercer Junior Rowing Program, 9th grade and up (winter and spring programs

Dr. Rochelle Heller is a different kind of dentist. Gentle, patient and caring, she takes the time to provide the best care possible. She is also well regarded by her patients for her thoroughness. Rather than being rushed, you know that she is there to serve your needs. • Trusted, Comfortable & Caring Dentistry

Teamwork Fitness & Fun!

Caspersen Rowing Center

• Digital X-Rays (Less Radiation) • Sedation Dentistry Available • All Insurance Welcome & Maximized • 0% Financing Available

We Keep The Tooth Fairy Out Of Business!!!

Program Dir. Hilary Gehman: Adults : Mid-Day tness sessions on the rowing machines Mercer Masters 5:30-7:00am Recreational and Lake Mercer, West Windsor Rowing Programs for Everyone!

122 Professional View Drive · Bldg. 100 Freehold, NJ 07728 (for GPS use 1101 W. Main Street – 1/4 Mile W. of Centra State Hospital) Phone: 732-625-9600 Fax: 732-625-9800

Competitive options Adult Learn to Row Adult Summer Rowing League

RowWith Us!

$199 NEW PATIENT SPECIAL includes, cleaning, exam, x-rays FULL VALUE AT $395 FREE 2 ND OPINION CONSULTATION FULL VALUE AT $99 FREE CUSTOM WHITENING TRAY with completed restorative treatment

Signs &Symptoms Your Child May Have (BDD) Body Dysmorphic Disorder 1. Focus to extreme on their looks. They focus on spe- cific things — like a pimple on their skin, or the shape or looks of their nose, eyes, lips, ears, or hands. 2. Feel upset about their looks. They feel worried, stressed, and anxious about their looks almost all the time. 3. Check or fix their looks. They feel the strong need to check their looks over and over. 4. Try not to be seen. They may stay home; keep to themselves; or use makeup, hats, or clothes to cover up. There is still much to learn about the exact causes of body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is not caused by anything the person or their parent did. It is a mental health condition that needs treatment. A trained mental health therapist who understands body dysmorphic disorder can diagnose it. They ask questions and listen care- fully to the answers to know if a person has BDD or another disorder.

restrictions apply FULL VALUE AT $495

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