SBACNJ 2019 Year in Review

11/13/19 Elections & Networking Event

Shore Builders Association EVENTS RECAP

1 0-29-19 Product Showcase

12/3/19 Holiday Cocktail Party & Installation

On Wednesday, December 4th SBACNJ Installed its new President, Christopher Amato of CMM Custom Homes, as well as its new Officers and Board of Directors. The event was held at Tim McLoone's Supper Club in Asbury Park. Click here to view a video of the event. Visit All is Sharp photography for more photos

Another successful Associate Sponsor hosted builder only event – the Manufacturer Product Showcase which took place on October 29th at the Jumping Brook Country Club. If you are interested in becoming part of the SBACNJ Associate Sponsor Program please contact Gina or Chris at 732-364-2828.

Builder members visit sponsor stations to learn about products, services, and new building techniques.

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