The Family Times May 2018
teens & tweens
The BEST GIFT EVER! Learn to Fly at the Princeton Flying School
Tuesday - Friday 10am to 6pm
Saturday 8:30am to 4pm
These Great Gift Certificates for the INTRODUCTORY FLYING LESSON FOR $199 can be found at
609-799-8554 33 Princeton-Hightstown Rd, Princeton Jct, NJ 08550
Princeton Airport, 41 Airpark Road, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 609-921-3100 •
Great Summer Jobs for Teens
If you don’t have one yet, check out these great places to work and have fun this summer: • Amusement Parks hire young people as ticket takers, ridemonitors, concession staff, maintenance workers, singers, dancers, musicians, and lifeguards. • Hospitality Job s at local restaurants as kitchen assistants help to prepare food, bussers clear tables, waiters and counter workers serve food and scoop ice cream.
• Summer Camp Jobs may still be available as counselors, activity staff, waterfront staff, kitchen staff, maintenance workers, and office staff. • Summer Jobs for Animal Lovers would be working for a pet store, veterinary clinic, zoo, animal park, equine center, or shelter. • Summer Jobs for Sports Fans at stadiums, sports teams, race tracks, and other athletic venues hire seasonal workers as ticket sellers, concession stand workers, souvenir sellers, and maintenance workers.. • Summer Jobs at the Beach to spend the summer by the water and in the sun. Most ocean communities hire ticket takers, beach monitors, and lifeguards to work on their beaches • Jobs at Resorts for young people in cleaning, food preparation, bussing, refreshment sales, activity leadership, gift shop sales, front desk assistance, housekeeping, kids' clubs, and waterfront assistance. • Jobs at Stores as retail sales clerks, stock shelves, arrange displays, tag items, return items to shelves, and assist customers. In some cases, you may be able to continue your job on a part-time basis during the school year, or even turn your experience into a retail career.
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