The Family Times May 2018
the healthy family
Complete Family Foot & Ankle Care
QUESTION: What can I do as a parent to help prevent foot and ankle injuries as Spring Sports Season
Starts Up? ANSWER:
Dr. Sanjay Gandhi, DPM
The ankle and feet are by far the most common sites of sports related injuries by children and are increasingly seen in youth sports. It is important that parents learn basic how to prevent sports related foot and ankle injuries and how to manage those injuries and when to seek aid of a podiatrist. Growth plates in children’s bones are not completed until their later teen years and are more susceptible to both traumatic and stress injuries in younger children. Proper footwear that is designed for a single sport, formal warm-ups and thorough stretching exercises, should be part of every youthful athlete’s pre-game routine as well as cool-down sessions. The American Academy of Podiatrists also recommends that a preseason physical examination by a podiatric professional is valuable insurance against latent foot and ankle problems which can suddenly turn into serious and long-lasting injuries. If a young athlete injures an ankle or foot during sports activity and if serious pain is experienced or the ankle/foot appears to look different, professional medical treatment is required. Foot injuries should be taken seriously and seeing a specialist always ensures best prevention as well as recovery.
Our Specialty Services For Adults, Children & Seniors Bunions Children Corns & Callouses Diabetic Foot Care Flatfeet Fungus HammerToeTreatment Heel Pain InGrownToeNails Plantar FasciitisTreatment Plantar Warts Orthotics and Surgery
215 Gordons Corner Road, Suite 2A Manalapan, NJ 07726 • 732-446-7136
QUESTION: How does The Mona Lisa Touch counteract vaginal dryness? V aginal dryness is extremely common during menopause. It’s just one of a collection of symptoms known as the the size of the vagina. The Mona Lisa Touch is a new therapy for the treatment of vaginal dryness that is non hormonal, non medication and non surgical using a gentle laser. Dr. Simigiannis is one of the leading gynecologists in the nation using this new procedure.
genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) that involves changes to the vulvovaginal area, as well as to the urethra and bladder. These changes can lead to vaginal dryness, pain with intercourse, urinary urgency, and sometimes more frequent bladder infections.
Dr. Helen Simigiannis, MD, FACOG
For more information feel free to contact: Dr. Helen Simigiannis, MD, FACOG Antheia Gynecology 375 US Highway 130, Suite 103 East Windsor, NJ 08520 Next to the Americana Diner 609.448.7800
These body changes and symptoms are commonly associated with decreased estrogen. However, decreased estrogen is not the only cause of vaginal dryness. It is important to stop using soap and powder on the vulva, stop using fabric softeners and anticling products on your underwear, and avoid wearing panty liners and pads. Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants may help. Persistent vaginal dryness and painful intercourse should be evaluated by your healthcare provider. If it is determined to be a symptom of menopause, vaginal dryness can be treated with low-dose vaginal estrogen, or the oral selective estrogen-receptor modulator ospemifene can be used. The Mona Lisa Touch is a new therapy for the treatment of vaginal dryness that is non hormonal, non medication and non surgical that has been FDA-approved using a gentle laser. Regular sexual activity can help preserve vaginal function by increasing blood flow to the genital region and helping maintain
Adolescent & Routine Gynecology Menopause
Urinary Incontinence Endometrial Ablation Birth Control
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