The Family Times May 2018
KNEE PAIN Dr. Scott Paris
QUESTION: Can amniotic stem cell therapy help my knee pain?
M illions of patient suffer with knee pain due to arthritis. The options for treatment, until now, have been limited to physical therapy, steroid injections, viscosupplementation injections, or joint replacement surgery. Central Jersey Spine &Wellness now offers a new cutting-edge treatment option called amnioticmembrane stemcell injections. Amnioticmembrane stem cell injections may be used to successfully treat patients with knee osteoarthritis when other conventional treatments have failed.
• With amniotic stem cells, there is no threat of patient rejection . • Lastly, amniotic fluid is a highly concentrated source of stem cells, which makes this type of stem cell injection preferable over embryonic stem cells and the patient’s own stem cells (from fat or bone marrow). ARE AMNIOTIC STEM CELL INJECTIONS SAFE? Yes. More than 10,000 injections have been performed without a single reported adverse side effect. • Amniotic stem cell therapy is a preferred type of stem cell therapy because the cells come from an immunoprivileged site, which means that patient- rejection is extremely rare. • The use of amniotic stem cells is well researched, safe, and effective. Amniotic stem cells have been used by ophthalmologists and plastic surgeons for about 20 years. • All amniotic stem cell donors go through a rigorous screening process, as determined by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB).
AM I A CANDIDATE FOR STEM CELL THERAPY? Patients suffering with knee pain due to arthritis may be considered as candidates for amniotic stem cell therapy. Regenerative medicine is growing
HOW DO AMNIOTIC MEMBRANE STEM CELL INJECTIONS WORK? Amniotic stem cell injections offer the ability to heal damaged tissue naturally. With amniotic stem cell therapy, stem cells from amniotic tissues are injected directly into your knee. These stemcells have strong anti-inflammatory properties. However, stem cell therapy goes far beyond the benefits of standard “injection therapy.” While cortisone and other drugs only provide temporary pain relief, stem cells actually restore degenerated tissue while providing pain relief. The growth factors in amniotic stem cells may replace damaged cells in your body. Additionally, stem cell injections contain hyaluronic acid, which lubricates joints and tendons, easing the pain and helping restore mobility. We also use precision guided fluoroscopy to ensure the stem cells are injected into exactly the right location. For optimal results. WHAT BENEFITS DOES AMNIOTIC STEM CELL THERAPY OFFER? • Amniotic stem cells contain no steroids. Instead, the injections rely on naturally occurring anti-inflammatory agents , such as cytokines. • Amniotic stem cells contain hyaluronic acid , which lubricates cartilage and promotes new cartilage growth. • Amniotic stem cells contain growth factors , which stimulate tissue growth.
in popularity and is helping more and more people live with less pain and suffering. If you have already tried conventional treatments, and are looking for another safe and effective option, consider amniotic stem cell therapy. Call to schedule a consultation with one of our doctors to determine if amniotic stem cell therapy is right for you.
Dr. Scott Paris using precision fluoroscopy guidance to ensure the best results possible.
CENTRAL JERSEY SPINE & WELLNESS 4251 Route 9 North, Bldg. 3, Suite B (Freehold Office Plaza) • 732-683-1800
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