The Family Times May 2018
camp guide
Jun.25 to Aug.31
FEATURING: x Flexible Scheduling x Extended Day
x Red Cross Certified Swim Instructors & Lifeguards x Allergy-Aware Staff & Facilities x Low Camper-to-Counselor Ratio x Instructional & Recreational Swimming x Counselor-in-Training Program & More!
Sports y Arts & Crafts Science y Trips y Swimming Special Events y Weekly Themes & Much More!
F REEHOLD YMCA 470 East Freehold Rd., Freehold, NJ 07728 732.462.0464
June 25-August 24
Ages 2 1/2 & 3 yrs. old (must be potty-trained) Choose your days & weeks. Full, half & extended days available.
For Your Creative Kid: Benefits Of Arts & Music Summer Camp By Joely Phenes Going to camp is a great way for a child to spend their summer. It allows them to stay active, make new friends, and try out many different activities and games. Specialized arts and music camps can be very beneficial experiences for children who are especially skilled in these areas or who just want to explore their passions. Experience with the arts has often been linked with academic success. For example, the reading of dramatic plays improves a child’s reading skills, especially when introduced at a young age. Research also shows that children with this type of experience do better on standardized tests such as the SATs. Because art is a form of expression, it helps to develop children’s communication skills. It also helps them work better in groups, as many of the projects are collaborative. Art is a therapeutic form of self-expression. It allows you to express yourself, use your imagination, have fun, and feel accomplished. Unfortunately, school can be quite demanding andmany children do not get to take the time to focus on artistic endeavors. Arts and music summer camps give children that time. Arts and music camps are not for every child. Some children simply do not take an interest in the arts—and that’s okay. But for children who love to write, paint, play the piano, and act, arts and music summer camp is the perfect way to spend the summer!
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