The Millstone Times April 2018
Millstone Middle School Play “Anything Goes” Went Very Well! By Pam Teel
With a rocky start to its three-day production due to a crazy March snowstorm, which caused the canceling of the first performance, the cast and crew were anxious to make it up the following two days as they vigorously took to the Performing Arts stage at their school. Passengers and crew of the SS American set sail on March 3 & 4 with Eagle Productions’ performances of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes. Over 75 talented, dedicated Millstone Middle School students were involved onstage and off. In spite of Friday’s cancellation, Saturday and Sunday’s performances were smooth sailing. The students’ energetic rendition of this fun-filled classic American musical was met with thunderous applause from the audience. “With so many professional touches, including colorful scenery and costumes, amazing vocals and dazzling dance numbers, this production truly showcased the amazing talent we have in our community,” stated Theatre Arts Teacher Lisa Marie Cappuzzo. Cappuzzo also directed the production. Also at hand were the musical director, music teacher, Heather Philhower, and the assistant director, language arts teacher, Karen Shaffer. Frank Iglesias, Middle School art teacher, was the set designer. His students did a fantastic job making and painting the sets. Aimee Lane, a Millstone Middle School graduate and professional dancer was the choreographer. The students were very excited to perform this play. Many of the students in the production have had many years of experience on the stage and working under the direction of Mrs. Cappuzzo. Emma Morris who played the lead character, Rena Sweeney, sang and danced her heart out in a stellar performance. This was to be a bittersweet performance for her as it will be her last play at the Middle School as this eighth grader soon will be heading to high school. "It’s crazy walking past that poster everyday seeing myself looking down on me,” Emma stated. “I’ve made so many new memories and met so many new kids that I know I will be close with for a long time. When it was time for the shows, the reality of performing in front of so many people really hit me as did the reality of stepping on stage for my last middle school production. This show was a great way to end off. And I’m so happy I had Mrs. Cappuzzo to guide me along this journey. This is one show that I will never forget." 8th grader Ellie Mashkevich (Bonnie) had this to say, "It was an honor to be cast as one of the lead roles in a play that was created 84 years ago. The entire cast did a great job and I truly had fun playing Bonnie's character. It was a great way to complete my Millstone Middle School theater run. Big thanks to Mrs. Cappuzzo for teaching us about all aspects of theater and performing.” 8th grader Briana San Philips (Hope) stated, "I remember the first time I watched one of Mrs. Cappuzzo's performances. I was a little fifth grader, staring up at the
Above: Emma Morris (Reno Sweeney) Center and the Angels Below: Ellie Mashkevich (Bonnie) & the Angels
illuminated stage and thinking 'I can't wait for that to be me!' When I got to sixth grade and finally had my chance and I was beyond thrilled. Being in the play these past three years has taught me so much. It helped me realize what an impact acting has had on my life. I will never forget Mrs. Cappuzzo, this beautiful stage, or the thrill of performing for a crowd. The memories I have will forever stay in my heart." From 8th grader Emily Hamnett (Ling) “This experience has changed how I look at theater and made me realize my passion for theater, from the past 3 years." Sixth grader, Jasmin Martinez, who was part of the dancing ensemble, really enjoyed bonding with the other kids in the play. This was her first time doing a play and she had a fun experience. She intends to continue on next year. She would like to encourage others to join. “Even if you don’t have a main role, you still worked hard and you still had fun. It was worth it,” she stated. The School Productions have been nothing but a positive experience for all involved leaving an imprint on some of the students who wish to pursue future acting careers. No matter who signs up for the production, Ms. Cappuzzo always finds a place for everyone to be involved and to feel like a part of the whole! Nice work to all the Middle School kids who poured their hearts and souls into the production!!
The Millstone Times
April 2018
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