The Millstone Times April 2018
Yours to Discover S at rday , M ay 12, 2018 • 9 aM - 12 pM
CLAYTON PARK ACTIVITY CENTER OPEN HOUSE 202 Davis Station Rd Upper Freehold (Imlaystown)
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- Outdoor Activities - weather permitting - Climbing Wall - weather permitting
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Kids and Celebrities By Gabriella Mancuso
Celebrities have an immense impact on today’s society. Even more so, celebrities have such a large impact on our children. Media and television give children an easy access point to celebrities' lives. This means that kids see almost everything celebrities do. This could be a good thing and a bad thing. Considering celebrities have such a big influence on your child’s life, it is totally understandable for you to want to ensure that it is a good influence. To make sure that your child is being influenced in a good way by their favorite celebrities you can ask them questions; not directly, but subtle. Ask them how they feel on certain topics. You can ask questions on drugs, sex or anything you are concerned towards to see how they will react. You can also talk about their favored celebrities and see how they speak of them. If their celebrities are getting into trouble, and with today’s world it is highly likely, make sure they know right from wrong. Remind your child that not everything their “idols” do are right, especially if it includes cheating or drugs. Although it is entertaining to watch famous people live their luxurious lives remind yourself and your child that fame comes with a cost. You don’t want your favorite celebrity’s life, and to have your own beliefs and morals is important. It can be very easy to be persuaded to believe a certain thing or think a certain way because someone you idolize is doing it. This does not mean that your child should be banned from being connected with the famous and social media, but it means to make sure to teach your child to always be true to themselves no matter what their favorite celebrities do or say.
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