The Millstone Times April 2018
The Amish and Health By Erin Mumby The Amish have been found to be the healthiest population in the Unite States. A study was conducted to see if cancer would be prev- alent because they lack modern medical care. Their findings showed the opposite. As a group, the Amish have lower rates of cancer than other people. Their lifestyle choices make them so healthy. A lot of the Amish are physically due to strenuous, physical labor. Most Amish are farmers or engage in a lot of construction or produc- tion jobs. All these occupations require a lot of physical activity. Only 3% of Amish people are obese! Compare this to the 31% of Americans that are obese. The Amish do not use cars. If they don’t take their horse and buggy, they have to walk! It’s no secret that organic food is healthy. This is all the Amish eat. The Amish do not consume processed foods regularly. They enjoy home-grown food. The seeds they use aren’t genetically modified. They use heirloom seeds! All their fruits and vegetables are organ- ic. They are consumed during the season they grow in. If not, they are canned. This makes for an antioxidant rich diet. They use organic methods and consume a lot of untainted foods. Their meat and dairy products aren’t tainted with hormones. Amish food is rich in living enzymes, and vitamins and nutrients. They eat a lot of healthy fats. They rely on raw dairy, butter and meat. Vitamins A, K2, and E are all found in these items. K2 is a vitamin that most Americans lack in their diet. Osteoporosis and cancer occur when people have insuffi- cient amounts of K2 in their diet. The Amish live very humble lives. The simplicity of their days doesn’t cause them a lot of stress. Stress is a major cause of a lot of different diseases. Their lifestyle is truly unique. They must live in har- mony for a successful society. They depend on their neighbors. The Amish also avoid drugs and alcohol. Alcohol and drugs are terrible for your health. The Amish avoid smoking cigarettes. We all know the negative effects smoking has on your healthy Most modern people would look down at the lifestyle of the Amish. However, their clean eating and daily physical activity makes them a healthy group of people. They are more resistant to diseases like dia- betes and cancer. Most American people have sedentary jobs where they sit in office. Fast food and processed food are wildly popular in American. We rely on pharmaceutical drugs. It makes sense that the Amish are so healthy.
MONROE TOWNSHIP CHORUS PRESENTS AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL Please join the Monroe Township Chorus in a Musical Tribute with songs about America, this great country of ours, from sea to shining sea. We will also honor the military service of the committed men and women who proudly served and continue to serve our country. Under the Direction of Sheila Werfel and Music Director David Schlossberg, we will express our respect and gratitude for the sacrifices our Veter- ans and Armed Forces have made to defend our country and preserve our freedom. The concert will take place on Sunday, May 20, at 2:00 p.m . - Doors will open at 1:15 p.m. in the Richard P. Marasco Performing Arts Center located in the Monroe Township Middle School at 1629 Per- rineville Road, Monroe Township. Veterans are encouraged to wear any memorabilia such as hats, medals or uniforms. This is a Free Con- cert - No Tickets Required - Everyone Is Invited. For more information contact Sheila Werfel, Director at 609-619-3229.
The Millstone Times
April 2018
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