The Millstone Times April 2021
Monroe Township News | As We Age
PLAN TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE HarborChase of Princeton together with Mass Mutual can help you plan for your future so your loved ones wont need to! Join us for an educational zoommeeting on long term care insurance. Wednesday, May 12th | 4:00pm Call today and RSVP by May 11th to get your Zoom link - (609) 759-8510
4331 US-RT 1 | Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 |
East Windsor Is Soliciting Nominations for the Sylvia Weiss Senior Citizen Award for Outstanding Service as a Volunteer
The annual award is to recognize a senior citizen who has exhibited out- standing service through volunteerism to the community by way of the schools, religious institutions, service organizations or directly to the pub- lic. Nominees must be at least 60 years of age and residents of East Wind- sor. Nominations forms, due Friday April 16, 2021 and are available for submission of nominees, and must be sent to: SYLVIA WEISS SENIOR VOLUNTEER AWARD ATTN: Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members East Windsor Municipal Building, 16 Lanning Boulevard East Windsor, New Jersey 08520 For further information or a nomination form, go to the Township web- site at or contact the Municipal Clerkâs Office at (609) 443-4000, ext. 238.
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