The Millstone Times April 2022
Cats at Home:
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Cats That Act Like Dogs By, Surabhi Ashok Cats are thought to be more distant, independent, and low maintenance while dogs are thought as extroverted, attention-seeking, and affectionate. In case you find yourself about to buy a cat because of their reserved nature, it might be beneficial to know the cat breeds that don’t act like the stereotype at all. These cat breeds might also interest you if you are a pet owner who prefers dogs but can’t get them for one reason or the other or just want a happy medium.
Such cats that act like dogs are referred to as puppy cats. Puppy cats often exhibit behaviors like following their owner, craving affection and acknowledgement, enjoying swimming, and walk- ing with leashes. One such cat is the Abyssinian cat. Similar to dogs, they are athletic, friendly, and crave constant attention. Abyssinians can become depressed if left alone for too long, and they frequently perch on their owners’ bodies. Their need for constant attention and their friendly nature are also seen in Ocicats and Bombays. If considering an alternative to a dog, the American Bobtail is the perfect choice. These large, deep orange felines are very smart as well as loving and de- voted. Coupled with their rather bold nature, they are often seen employed as therapy animals. Birman cats are also a viable option for many pet owners. They don’t need too much attention, and they agree well with children. Birman cats can be trained to follow different commands like retrieving toys, which is not commonly seen in cat breeds. Finally, Rag Dolls are the most common cat breed that act like dogs. Their name comes from their tendency to go limp like a doll when they are picked up. While these cats are more mellow, they voluntarily interact with children and other pets and wait for their owners by the door. While it is important to remember that characteristics are developed based on an animal’s surroundings and interactions, certain breeds, like Manx, Turkish Angora, Main Coon, American Curl, and Burmese, are more prone to craving human contact and forgoing basic feline behavior as it’s assumed. However, you can also just train your cat to act like a dog. Cats are intelligent, and with time, can be trained to act a certain way, especially if they are young. If this sounds like something you want to do, here’s a tip: felines learn more quickly when associating clicker sounds to a behavioral pattern. What- ever you may do, treat your pet with care to ensure they live a long, healthy, and happy life. Source: |
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