The Millstone Times August 2018
PROVEN INC. 500 COMPANY OPEN FOR BUSINESS IN NEW JERSEY!!! We are seeking motivated, goal oriented team members to grow with THE MOST EXCITING HOME BUSINESS IN AMERICA!!! Training experience and business knowledge a plus though not required, WINNING ATTITUDE A MUST! If you would like to enjoy a flexible schedule, get out of traffic, reduce your stress and earn a professional income you may decide to consider learning more. Fast–Track potential for growth and leadership! CALL TODAY!!! 609-200-0573 Stay at Home Moms, Underemployed Professionals, Business Owners or if you just need more money, this business is for you!!! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH YOUR EXTRA TIME AND INCOME IF YOU COULD WORK FROM HOME ...?
Best Tips for Dealing With Tweens By Gabriella Mancuso
You just got out of the “naughty child” stage only to enter the “tween stage”. Even if you don't want to believe it, you know exactly what the tween stage means. The usual, I am an adult now, let me do what I want, I don't need your help kind of attitude. Dealing with a child ages 11-13 can be difficult, but there are some things you can do to help. Build a Support Network Being a tween is hard. It is awkward, everything is changing and you self confidence is at an all time low. Building a support network can help your child a lot. Surrounding them with love, trust and support will help raise their self-confidence and make life a little less awkward. Point Out Their Good Actions and Praise Them Be sure that your kid knows that you are proud of them. Pointing out their good actions will result in them wanting to feel flattered more, furthermore resulting in them doing more good things. Be sure to also give them criticism as well as compliments. You do not want your child to believe they can get away with anything as long as they do one good deed. Self-confidence is important, but too much of something is never a good thing. Being Involved Being involved in a tweens life can be a difficult situation. They might lash out and demand privacy and independency. The best thing to do is to work with this. Ask the questions while being informed on their life but all to a certain extent. Give them privacy and allow them to grow on their own as well. You can not smoother them, but you must be aware of their actions and well being in order to guide them the right way. Do Not Lash Out
Arguments are inevitable. They will happen and they will not be pleasant. The worst thing you can do is screamback andmake the problemworse. Obviously, all children require reprimanding, but try hard not to cause a huge blow out. Before screaming back, take some time and cool down. Make sure both of you are calm enough to speak without getting excited, and then return to the conversation ready to find a resolution.
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