The Millstone Times August 2018
Do’s and Don’ts of Party Planning By Lauren Kolacki
Planning a party can become quite the time consumer and as the date approaches, the weight on your shoulder begins to feel heavier and heavier. To lessen that weight, we compiled a list of do’s and don’ts to assist you in throwing a great, stress free party. DO: • Have a budget and stick to it • Use party planners/caterers/dj’s to decrease your amount of responsi- bilities
• Plan to avoid leaving everything until last minute • Use to do lists to stay organize and on schedule • Borrow tables/chairs/tents from friends to reduce costs • Decide a theme to customize your party • Get final head count • Buy in bulk • Prepare music
DON'T • Keep your neighbors in the dark about the party, warn them ahead of time • Wait until last minute to send out invitations, allow your guests to arrange their schedule around your date • Forget ice, especially at this time of year • Worry about food, unless you are a chef; leave the professional stuff to the professionals • Forget to plan games and activities to keep your guests, especially the kids, entertained • Forget about parking • Cut corners, being conscience of your budget is a good thing but do not skip out on party necessities to cut costs.
The Millstone Times
August 2018
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