The Millstone Times - December 2022
Millstone Township Troop 116 Eagle Scout Nominees By Pam Teel
The adult scout leaders of Boy Scout Troop 116 take great pleasure in announcing that the follow ing five young men have successfully completed their requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout. Brandon Luis Diaz worked with the Millstone Township Recreation Department to help land scape the comfort station at the Brandywine soc cer field. Brandon spread mulch, trimmed back old dead bushes in the area, and planted several new bushes and a tree. The scouts helped paint the bathroom doors a shade of blue to match the already existing signs. Matthew N. McCormick designed, fundraised, constructed and installed four bookcases and two window seats for Project Freedom, an organiza tion that provides independent living for people with physical disabilities. The project consisted of measuring, designing, building, staining, fin ishing and installing the six-foot-tall bookshelves and window seats. The Project Freedom location
is the first for families, so the project was designed to help furnish the community room and to provide much needed storage and seating space. Gavin Lucas Normand organized, fundraised, and carried out the installation of four picnic tables at the Millstone- Roosevelt Little League fields. The project consisted of leading a group of fellow scouts through the process of sanding, staining, coating, assembling, and installing the picnic tables at the designated locations around the fields. The tables provide additional seating for families and friends watching the game. It also provides a flat surface for people to eat and do homework. Jacob Christopher Normand designed, planned, and executed a project to remember and respect military veterans buried in Millstone Township. The project consisted of collecting geographical and biographical information about veteran’s served, creating a virtual map of the graves of those veteran’s that displayed information, and installing a stone at a local veteran’s memorial that included a metal plate with information about the project, as well as a QR code to the site. Samson Lee Cronn-Uveges communicated, designed, and built a Gaga Pit for the Millstone Township Elementary School. The Gaga Pit is an octagonal area where kids can play the game Gaga Ball, or create new games to play. The project first consisted of approving a design by the school administration. The project needed pressure treated word and soft edges so the kids could be safe. It also had to be a durable surface for the kids to play on. It took 3 workdays, 2 days building the walls of the pit, and one day for assembling it at the school, and sanding down the edges of the wood. A ceremony took place on Saturday, November 26th, 11 a.m. at Saint Joseph’s Church, 91 Stillhouse Road, Millstone Township. Congratulations to all of the young men receiving this honor and for your contributions to your community. We wish you the very best in the all of your future endeavors!
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