The Millstone Times January 2021
whY choose A cAthoLic ceMeterY? A Catholic cemetery is a holy and sacred place. It is a place of prayer and hope that is both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living…a place where those who have worshipped and prayed together in life now await the resurrection.
A gift of Love Protect your family frommaking difficult and emotional decisions without you. Proclaim your acceptance of God’s love and your compassion for your family by making your decisions today and together. PrActice resPonsibLe stewArdshiP —MAnAge Your finAnces Protect your family from an unexpected financial burden by pre-planning and selecting a payment plan with terms that fit your budget. how do i Pre-PLAn? A Catholic Cemetery Memorial Counselor will explain and guide you through the pre-planning process. They are someone you can trust and who will explain the options that are available for you. You will not be pressured into making any unnecessary purchases.
for inforMAtion about the purchase of crypts, niches and plots at the METUCHENDIOCESAN-OWNEDAND OPERATEDCEMETERIES cALL 1.800.943.8400 or visit ceMeteries
MArY sorrowfuL Mother MAusoLeuM At hoLY cross • Magnificent Main Chapel
• Private Chapel Areas Available • Crypt & Niche spaces available • Featured Glass Niches creMAtorY At hoLY cross 840 Cranbury South River Rd Jamesburg, NJ08831
resurrection ceMeterY feAturing MAusoLeuM of the hoLY sPirit Hoes Lane and Park Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854 • Premier glass niches available for cremated remains • pre construction pricing available
Make It A Great Valentine’s Day During Covid Valentine’s Day has a complicated legacy; according to Psychology Today, couples are more likely to break up in the weeks surrounding the day. Why? Experts say unrealized or unreasonable expectations or comparisons to past celebrations can make what on any other day would be just fine a disappointment. Another reason, psychologists say, is because Valentine’s Day tends to add even more pressure on couples who are already struggling. They want to make it a perfect night to prove to themselves they’re not having problems, or they find their negative feelings intensified by the day’s events. To make Valentine’s Day a great opportunity for a big, romantic gesture of love or a quiet reminder of why you’ve been together as long as you have, plan ahead, know what you both want and give yourself a chance to have a fun and memorable time with your partner. • Plan ideas for your special meal together as far in advance as possible. This is important and not just for restaurants with limited seating and take out. Plan on cooking? Get your menu together now so the hol- iday is as stress free as possible. This year, a romantic dinner away from kids may be impossible. Include them and show them that it is always important to recognize your significant other. • Talk to each other. Make sure you know each other’s expectations and you know what your partner wants. You’ll have a much better holiday if you plan your festivities together. Do either of you want flowers deliv- ered to your office or breakfast in bed? Communicate with each other beforehand. • Don’t go overboard on spending. Decide as a couple your budget and find creative, fun and romantic ways to maximize your resources. This alone, relives a lot of stress making the holiday more fun. • Turn off your phones. Giving your loved one your full attention is the truest form of love. It’s hard to disconnect completely calls from work, don’t check texts, and even if you’re just hanging at your home, stay off Twitter and Facebook and talk to each other. • Add a little personal touch with homemade gifts. • A handmade card or handwritten note, a random text in the middle of the day, small gifts that will mean a lot to each other all can make your day a little more special.
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