The Millstone Times July 2018
East Windsor Township East Windsor Twp. E-News Updates!
Hickory Pharmacy Opens in Hickory Corner Commons, in "Wawa Center." The 1,952 square foot Hickory Pharmacy is a traditional hometown full-service pharmacy offering prescription pick-up and free delivery, immunizations, customizedmixtures of medications and ingredients to create creams and ointments not commercially available, custom packaging of medications to help people follow their prescription schedules and many general products priced at only $1.00. Hickory Pharmacy accepts all major insurances. Current hours of operation are: Monday through Friday, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.; Saturday 9 A.M. to 2 P.M., and closed Sundays. For more information, call (609) 308-2887.
Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspection Program , Sponsored by East Windsor Township and Funded by $7,000 Grant from the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety, Kicks Off on Saturday, June 30. The 2018 Child Passenger Safety Seat Inspection Program is designed to ensure motorists are properly securing their children in child seats as required by State law. Interested residents, at no cost, can have their child seats inspected for proper fit and installation in their vehicles and receive educational materials regarding current child restraint laws. The program kicks off on Saturday, June 30, from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. at East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company No. 2 (69 Twin Rivers Drive). Other sessions will take place as follows: Saturday, July 7 from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. at Disbrow Hill Park (during Independence Day celebration); Saturday, July 21 from 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. at Disbrow Hill Park (during “Family Night in Park” event); Tuesday, August 7 from 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. at East Windsor P.A.L. complex, 30 Airport Road (during National Night Out), and Thursday, September 13, from 3 P.M. to 8 P.M. at the East Windsor Police/ Court Building, 80 One Mile Road. Groups and Businesses Invited to Participate in “National Night Out” Set for Tuesday, August 7, from 6 pm to 9 pm at the East Windsor PAL Complex, 30 Airport Road. This annual fun educational Township event, sponsored by Mayor Janice Mironov and Council Members in conjunction with Chief of Police James Geary, features crime watch information, emergency services equipment, music, booths and displays by area groups and businesses with information and giveaways supporting the National Night Out theme. Area community groups and businesses who wish to participate can contact Det. Joseph Gorski at (609) 448-5678, ext. 231, or East Windsor Independence Day Celebration Will Be Held on Saturday, July 7 (rain date Saturday, July 14) at Etra Lake Park. Free entertainment begins at 6 pm with the Jerry Rife’s Rhythm Kings Dixieland Jazz Band, a 6-piece band from the Delaware Valley area best known for its traditional jazz sound, followed at 7:30 pm by the Trenton Brass Quintet Plus One, a 6-piece ensemble from Central Jersey performing “Americana” and a variety of popular melodies. The spectacular Fireworks Display will commence immediately following the musical presentations, at approximately 9:30 pm. Bring your blankets and chairs and use the barbecue grills for a night of free fun at beautiful Etra Lake Park. There also will be vendors present selling refreshments. This free event is made possible through the generous contributions of many area businesses. In the event of inclement weather, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 400 for cancellation information. East Windsor Township Will Hold Document Shredding/Recycling Day on Wednesday, July 11 from 4 pm to 8 pm, at the East Windsor Senior Center, located at 40 Lanning Boulevard. This Township event is sponsored by Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Members of Council, in conjunction with the East Windsor Clean Communities Committee. Free document shredding will be available to East Windsor residents, with a limit of ten boxes per household. No commercial drop-offs are permitted. RISE will be on-site for drop-off of shoes, clothing, blankets, working appliances, usable furniture, and housewares. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED at this event (i.e. NO televisions, computers, computer accessories and non-working appliances.) For further information, call (609) 443-4000, ext. 215. East Windsor Has Launched MySeniorCenter , an Online Information and Registration System for the East Windsor Township Senior Center. MySeniorCenter is available in the lobby of the Senior Center located at 40 Lanning Boulevard, and provides members with an automated check-in system where they can also review, register and pay for programs at the center. A companion website, MyActiveCenter, will also soon become available, providing seniors with online access at home to register for programs. Senior Center staff are available to assist and instruct members on how to use the MySeniorCenter system. You can also contact the Township at (609) 443-4000, visit the Municipal Building at 16 Lanning Boulevard, just off Princeton-Hightstown Road (Route 571) or log onto For Senior Citizen Program information call (609) 371-7192. Mayor Janice S. Mironov and Council Members, joined by owner Harshav Raval and his family and friends, cut the ribbon to celebrate the grand opening of Hickory Pharmacy. Pictured (from left to right) are: Anil Patel; Council Member Peter Yeager; Harshav Raval, owner; Mayor Janice S. Mironov; Krishna Raval; Council Member Denise Daniels, and Ravi Patni.
The Millstone Times
July 2018
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