The Millstone Times July 2018
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The Perfect Bangs For You By Gabriella Mancuso
Getting bangs is a haircut every girl tries once in their life. It’s the type of haircut that’s impulsive, new and risky….if done right. Every girl can rock bangs, but specific bangs that fit your type of face shape. If you are interested in taking the leap and changing up your style here are some helpful tips for you and your head shape. Square Face: The bangs that best fit this head shape are long bangs. Cut them across the front of your face but keep them longer. However, you should no get them heavy. Keep them more on the fringe side with a sort of separation in the middle to leave a section of your forehead just slight- ly peeking through. Round Face: If you have a round face your best bet is getting the original, all one length bangs. Because bangs make faces look wider, you can also spice it up and put an angle on the outer most bangs closest to your ears.
Heart Shape Face: People that have heart shaped faces look best with side bangs. Bangs were created to balance you face, so by giving yourself light, “feathered” bangs you will be doing just that. Make sure to bring the bangs down to the sides of your face, almost at your jaw line, to open up your face. Oval Face: Finally, we have oval faces also known as the lucky ones. If you have an oval face you have nothing to worry about, you can rock anything. Side bangs, straight bangs, light bangs, heavy bangs, basically anything you are in the mood for. It is safe to say that we envy you oval faces!
The Millstone Times
July 2018
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