The Millstone Times July 2018
HEALTH WELLNESS Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP)- What it is and How to Treat its Symptoms By Abigail Urban Henoch-Schönlein Purpura (HSP) is a disease most commonly found in children between the ages of two and six that causes blood vessels to leak, which may appear as a rash with many small bruises. The disease is caused by the immune system attacking the body’s own cells. Factors that cause this abnormal condition are unknown. Usually, early signs of HSP are any upper respiratory tract infections, such as colds. Symptoms include rashes that look like bruises or small dots and digestive issues that range from vomiting to abdominal pain. Joint pain, blood in the urine (Hematuria) and large amounts of protein in the urine (Proteinuria) are also possible symptoms someone may have. Most people recover from the disease, although HSP could potentially lead to kidney disease or kidney failure in adults. Other rare complications include bowels folding so that they’re blocked and being at a higher risk for high blood pressure during pregnancy. HSP diagnosis is confirmed when there are antibody deposits on the skin. This can be detected with a skin biopsy, where skin tissue is examined under a microscope. A kidney biopsy will help determine how much the kidney is affected by HSP and what treatments may be used. A urinalysis may also be needed to determine if you have hematuria or proteinuria. There is no specific treatment for HSP. All treatments are to relieve painful symptoms. Joint pain is often treated with aspirin or ibuprofen. Corticosteroids, medications that decrease swelling and reduce immune system activity, may also treat joint pain and abdominal pain. If HSP affects the kidneys, treatments include immunosuppressive medications that stop the body from making antibodies. High blood pressure caused by HSP may be treated with prescribed medications that lower blood pressure and slow the start of kidney disease. These medications may include angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). If you or anyone you know is experiencing symptoms associated with HSP, it is advised that you seek medical help to relieve pain and check for any kidney problems. Health Benefits of Blending Blending fruits and vegetables has just as many health benefits as juicing and then some. Blending is more budget conscious and you can potentially get more nutrition from what you are consuming. Why blend? 1. Blending Keeps Foods whole because when you are blending fruits and vegetables, you are keeping the fruit intact. The nutrients that each item con- tains are not only going to be in the right amounts; the fiber content is going to remain. Fiber is important in your diet as it helps to regulate our dietary tract, lower the risk of chronic disease, and helps to stabilize blood sugars. 2. On average, people need about 6 cups of fruits and vegetables per day in their diet. That alone is a mini-mountain of food. By blending these items into delicious smoothies, it makes it easier to get those essentials in your daily diet. 3. Blending allows you to introduces new food choices that you may not normally try. You may not like a certain vegetable, but hidden in a smoothie with other flavors makes it more palatable. You are also able to eat the entire fruit, peels and skins have nutritional value. 4. With a liquefied version of fruits and vegetables entering our digestive system, the body can immediately convert the food into nutritive value while there is less time to convert other items into fat cells for energy later. &
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