The Millstone Times July 2018
As We Age
whY choose A cAthoLic ceMeterY? A Catholic cemetery is a holy and sacred place. It is a place of prayer and hope that is both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living…a place where those who have worshipped and prayed together in life now await the resurrection.
A gift of Love Protect your family frommaking difficult and emotional decisions without you. Proclaim your acceptance of God’s love and your compassion for your family by making your decisions today and together. PrActice resPonsibLe stewArdshiP —MAnAge Your finAnces Protect your family from an unexpected financial burden by pre-planning and selecting a payment plan with terms that fit your budget. how do i Pre-PLAn? A Catholic Cemetery Memorial Counselor will explain and guide you through the pre-planning process. They are someone you can trust and who will explain the options that are available for you. You will not be pressured into making any unnecessary purchases.
for inforMAtion about the purchase of crypts, niches and plots at the METUCHENDIOCESAN-OWNEDAND OPERATEDCEMETERIES cALL 1.800.943.8400 or visit ceMeteries
MArY sorrowfuL Mother MAusoLeuM At hoLY cross • Magnificent Main Chapel
• Private Chapel Areas Available • Crypt & Niche spaces available • Featured Glass Niches creMAtorY At hoLY cross 840 Cranbury South River Rd Jamesburg, NJ08831
resurrection ceMeterY feAturing MAusoLeuM of the hoLY sPirit Hoes Lane and Park Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854 • Premier glass niches available for cremated remains • pre construction pricing available
What You Need to Know About Shingles and Its Vaccine
In the U.S., currently 1 million people get shingles every year, and about one out of every three people will get shingles in their lifetime. Shingles, also known as zoster or herpes zoster, is a painful skin rash caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. If you’ve had chickenpox, you are at risk of getting shingles. One out of every three people, 60 years old or older will get shingles. One out of six people older than 60 years who get shingles will have severe pain. The pain can last for months or even years. The most common complication of shingles is severe pain where the shingles rash was. This pain can be debilitating. There is no treatment or cure from this pain. As people get older, they are more likely to develop long-term pain as a complication of shingles and the pain is likely to be more severe. Shingles may also lead to serious complications involving the eye. Very rarely, shingles can also lead to pneumonia, hearing problems, blindness, brain inflammation (encephalitis), or death. Adults 60 years old or older should talk to their healthcare professional about getting a one-time dose of the shingles vaccine.
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