The Millstone Times July 2018
As We Age
The Lights are Always On
Com hom t Chelse !
A SSISTED L IVING · M EMORY C ARE · R ESPITE S TAYS 732-536-3000 CHELSEASENIORLIVING . COM Signs of Vitamin Deficiencies on Your Face By Ste anie Maglio
Vitamin deficiencies are a lot more common than people seem to think. Serious health problems can stem from them and even lead to death in some cases. Vitamin D and Vitamin A deficiency have affected millions of people all over the world, and has been called an epidemic. When a person's body lacks the vitamins and other nutrients it needs to function, every part of the body can suffer. Here are some signs of vitamin deficiency you can see on your face: • Puffy eyes - Puffy eyes don't only indicate a lack of sleep, but can also mean one has low iodine levels in the body. • Extremely Pale skin could be a sign that you are lacking Vitamin B12. If your body isn't getting enough B12, you'll start to feel fatigued and your skin can suffer. • Dry hair - If your hair has felt dry lately, or if you've had an excess of dandruff you could be lacking biotin or Vitamin B7. However, a biotin deficiency can also be the result of using antibiotics. • Pale Lips - Pale lips could mean a lack of iron in the body. Iron deficiency can lead to weak immune systems. This means if you are getting sick often, it is possibly due to an iron deficiency. • Bleeding gums -Bleeding gums could be caused by a lack of vitamin C. Without vita- min C, your immune system can weaken, cause muscle pain, and therefore problems with teeth.
Although these can be signs of vitamin deficiencies, it's important to remember that just because you may experience one of these signs it doesn't mean you have a deficiency. The best was to stay healthy is to drink plenty of water, keep a healthy and balanced diet, and to take vitamins daily. Multivitamins are also a beneficial, yet simple choice. As for diet, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. They have all the right nutrients to keep you balanced and your immune system in check. Remember, the way your body reacts is all based on what you put into it and how you treat it.
The Millstone Times
July 2018
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