The Millstone Times July 2018
The Friends of Millstone Township Historical Registered Properties will be hosting a Psychic Event! Come and Join us! By Pam Teel Do you like history? Do you like being a part of an organization that makes a difference in their community by preserving the town’s heritage, maintaining the town’s historic structures, and developing quality programs for their schools and community? If so, then come and be a part of the fun. Last year the Friends of Millstone were instrumental in the completion of the restoration of the Clarksburg Methodist Episcopal Church, which they will utilize for future events. This year they’ve added new events to their schedule, “Trinkets or Treasure”, Myths and legends of Millstone, and a new elementary school Educational program that is in the works for kindergarteners. Although the township owns the Baird Homestead and Educational Resource Center, The Friends Of Millstone are responsible for raising the money to carry out all of their programs. They pay all operating costs and maintain the property as well. In order to leverage their funds, they write matching grants to offset operating costs and the capital improvements to the facilities. The Friends need to match and raise the same amount of money that they are granted. They are one hundred per cent funded and supported by their Board of Trustees, volunteers, and supporters; people like you who want to see these programs continue for our students and for our youth organizations such as the Boys and Girl Scouts and Future Farmers of America. Donations, fundraising, and volunteers help the Friends reach success with their Educational programs. Such programs include the 6th grade classes’ visit to the Baird Homestead every June for the past three years to learn hands on lessons that correlate to what they are learning in their classrooms. The Friends also host, lectures from George Washington, Harriet Tubman, Edgar Allen Poe, and President Roosevelt Impersonators who have presented themselves in character to the 6,7th, and 8th graders for the past few years. The Friends of Millstone is a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to furthering public interest in conservation, preservation, science and environmental stewardship, knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the history of Millstone Township. One way The Friends of Millstone make money is through their fundraising. Some of the funds go to match grants for improvements to property. Right now they need to raise money to put lightning rods up on their buildings to prevent fires. They also need to raise money for structural repairs on the Baird Homestead and to provide an accessible entry way for the handicapped at the Baird Homestead. The friends also rely on community support to keep the Educational Programs going for the schools. Donations are always welcome. Upcoming fundraising 2018 events include: The 1st Annual Psychic Fundraiser on Sunday, September 23rd. Mark your calendar. This will be a great event showcasing six local psychics and Reiki healers, including two of our own from town. The event will take place at the Baird Homestead from 11-5. Some of the services offered will be, Reiki energy healing, Spiritual card reading, medical intuitive reiki energy healing, Vedic palmistry mediumship readings, intuitive medium readings, health card, table tipping, medium readings or tarot card readings. You can pre-register and pre pay ahead of time. Cash Walk Ins are also welcome. To preregister go to: There you can read about the psychics and reiki masters and what they offer and you can pre-choose one if you like. $30.00 for 20 minutes. Fifty percent of your session fee will go to help the Friends of Millstone. Harvest Fest- Saturday October 6th- Come and enjoy the Fall on the Lawn of the Historic Baird Homestead. Get a tour of the historic homestead; bring the kids for a hayride, entertainment, and games. Good old fashioned fun! Pumpkin picking, petting zoo, pig roast, pie eating, and more. Holiday open House- the first Sunday of December- come ring in the Christmas Season with some hot apple cider and light faire. Be sure to visit the annual rummage sale next year, the last week in June, at the Baird Homestead. Please help keep these great community programs going and for the upkeep of the properties, by coming to the events, donating your time and money and volunteering to be a part of a great community Organization. If you would like to join the Friends of Millstone Historical Registered Properties or just be a friend of the Friends, or if you would like to make a donation, please visit their website at:! Or visit them on facebook. See all the wonderful accomplishments they have already completed on the website and the many great things yet to come!
The Millstone Times
July 2018
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