The Millstone Times June 2019
As We Age
JUNE IS ALZHEIMER’S & BRAIN AWARENESS MONTH June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. We ask that you join us through the month of June to wear purple to show support for the millions of people worldwide struggling with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. It’s also a time to recognize the caregivers for the support that they provide to their loved ones and clients who have Alzheimer’s and other forms of demen- tia. At Caring Connections of New Jersey, we are constantly trying to raise awareness and support those caregivers who struggle day to day for solutions. We have education programs and speakers available to educate with the daily struggles one may face as a caregiver. These struggles occur every day in the life of a caregiver. Tasks get daunting. Being the provider of assistance with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, and eating can become sources of frustration for the person provid- ing care as well as the person who has dementia. Some days the only thing that the caregiver can control is how they respond to the frustrating circumstance. Learning to communicate with their loved ones who are struggling can help limit some of the frustration felt by the caregiver and the person with demen- tia. Remember that your loved one is not in control of their behaviors; their behaviors are caused by the disease. Each time a behavior is present, is usual- ly an attempt to communicate; anticipating needs before they arise can help manage the behaviors. June 21st is The Longest Day. The Summer Solstice. The day with the most light. The longest day for most folks means BBQ’s, family fun and taking ad- vantage of the extra light. For those with Alzheimer’s and their caregivers, this could mean more unmanaged behaviors, less sleep and much more stress in their day. Take the steps to be proactive to learn about managing those be- haviors and use organizations like Alzheimers NJ and Caring Connections of New Jersey to help you get through your toughest days. By Sheli Monacchio ADVICE FOR THE AGING COMMUNITY
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The Millstone Times
June 2019
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