The Millstone Times September 2018
2 nd Annual “Kids Wish’n to go Fish’n” Event For Special Needs Children Pam Teel nd l “ ids ish’n to G t r ci l s il r By
The second annual free “Kids Wish’n to go Fish’n” event will take place on Satur- day, September 29th from 10- 2 pm at Lake Julianna on the Ponderosa Estate Farm in Millstone Township. “Making Smiles” is the theme of the event that will be open to children with special needs. Children from ages 6 to 16 years old are invited to catch and release fish at the lake. The goal of the fishing and outdoor fun day is to provide a psychological boost for special needs chil- dren and to relax at a beautiful private lake with their family caregivers. Last year, thirty-three children had fun fishing at Lake Julianna and this year, a much larger number of attendees are ex- pected. Mr. Vito Cardinale, Cardinale Enterpris- es LCC, and owner of Lake Julianna on the eel e second an ual fre “Kids Wish’n to go Fish’n” event will take place on Satur- day, September 29th from 10- 2 pm at Lake Julian a on the Ponderosa Estate Farm in illstone Township. “Making Smiles” is the theme of the event hat will be open to children with special ne ds. Children from ages 6 to 16 years old are invited to catch and release fish at he lake. The goal of the fishing and outdo r fun day is to provide a psychological bo st for special ne ds chil- dren and to relax at a beautiful private lake with their family caregivers. Last year, thirty-thre children had fun fishing at Lake Julian a and this year, a much larger number of at ende s are ex- pected. Mr. Vito Cardinale, Cardinale Enterpris- es LC , and owner of Lake Julian a on the
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Ponderosa Estate Farm stated; “Once again, I am very excited to host this worthwhile event for special needs children. Children are welcome to come and spend a day at the water’s edge where they’ll be fishing and enjoying fun outdoor games. Fishing at Lake Julianna is a great opportunity for chil- dren with special needs because fishing is something they can do with- out exhausting themselves. There is plenty of space at the Ponderosa Estate Farm to navigate for physically challenged youngsters. We have plenty of sunshine, outdoor restroom facilities, and lots of parking.” Don’t worry if you don’t have a fishing rod or reel. Participants are wel- come to bring their own fishing equipment and bait or they can use loaner fishing rods and reels from the Jersey Coast Anglers Association (JCAA) and Boating Education and Rescue (BEAR) loaner program. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PHWFF), Jersey Shore Chapter, New- ark Bait Fly Casters, New Jersey Beach Buggy Association, Hudson Riv- er Fishermen’s Association, and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 12 members, will volunteer and provide support for youngsters fishing and participating in outdoor activities. Mike and Debbie Bennett, BEAR En- vironmental Educator’s, will spend time teaching youngsters fun games about the environment. Volunteers from PHWFF will teach fly casting and the JCAA Youth Education Committee will have a surprise learning activi- ty for youngsters and fishing safety tips. Things you might want to bring to have and enjoyable time: sunglasses, fishing cap, sunscreen, pliers, fishing cloth, wet weather gear, lawn chairs, and a smile. You should also dress in layers to be more comfortable. Mr. Cardinale is providing plenty of fun surprises for all special needs chil- dren and the event will include a hot dog and hamburger barbeque lunch for children and their guests, complements of Cardinale Enterprises, LLC. Local merchants and contributors are providing prizes, goodie bags and tee shirts for girls and boys fishing Lake Julianna’s “Kids Wish’n to go Fish’n.” All children go home winners and the fish win too, as it is a catch and release program. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile event for special needs children, please contact Don Marantz, JCAA Youth Edu- cation Committee at 908-347-1434. To register your group and receive directions for this free event, please phone Danielle @ (732-747-7846) or Ponderosa Estate Farm stated; “Once again, I am very excited to host this worthwhile event for special ne ds children. Children are welcome to come and spend a day at the water’s edge where they’ll be fishing and enjoying fun outdo r games. Fishing at Lake Julian a is a great op ortunity for chil- dren with special ne ds because fishing is something they can do with- out exhausting themselves. There is plenty of space at he Ponderosa Estate Farm to navigate for physically challenged youngsters. We have plenty of sunshine, outdo r estro m facil ties, and lots of parking.” Don’t wor y if you don’t have a fishing rod or re l. Participants are wel- come to bring their own fishing equipment and bait, or they can use loaner fishing rods and re ls from the Jersey Coast Anglers As ociation (JCA ) and Boating Education and Rescue (BEAR) loaner program. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing (PH F ), Jersey Shore Chapter, New- ark Bait Fly Casters, New Jersey Beach Bug y As ociation, Hudson Riv- er Fishermen’s As ociation, and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 12 members, will volunte r and provide sup ort for youngsters fishing and participating in outdo r activ t es. Mike and Debbie Bennett, BEAR Envi- ronmental Educators, will spend time eaching youngsters fun games about the environment. Volunteers from PHWFF will teach fly casting and the JCAA Youth Education C mmittee will have a surprise learning activity for youngsters and fi hi g safety tips. ings you might want to bring to have and enjoyable time: sunglas es, fishing cap, sunscre n, pliers, fishing cloth, wet weather gear, lawn chairs, and a smile. You should also dres in layers to be more comfortable. r. Cardinale is providing plenty of un surprises for all special ne ds chil- dren and the event will include a hot dog and hamburger barbeque lunch for children and their guests, complements of Cardinale Enterprises, L C. Local merchants and contributors are providing prizes, go die bags and te shirts for girls and boys fishing Lake Julian a’s “Kids Wish’n to go Fish’n.” All children go home win ers and the fish win to , as it is a catch and release program. If you would like to donate to this worthwhile event for special ne ds children, please contact Don Marantz, JCA Youth Edu- cation Com it e at 908-347-1434. To register your group and receive directions for this fre event, please phone Danielle @ (732-747-7846) or email:Info@cardinale
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