The Millstone Times September 2021
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Why Am I Seeing the Same Numbers Everywhere? By Pam Teel It definitely feels like a strange coincidence when we see the same series of digits popping up everywhere we turn, but seeing repeated numbers on the clock or elsewhere might actually mean that the universe is trying to tell you something. Different numbers mean different things in numerology, and it's believed that whatever is trying to get your attention through repeating numbers will keep showing up until you listen. If you're not catching on, you may begin to see the numbers in other places besides a clock, like on receipts, your car plates, phone numbers, and app notifications. Most of us are still very much waking up to our spiritual connections. If you're seeing double numbers, triple numbers, or any repeating digits on a regular basis, there's no need to feel spooked. It could mean that someone is trying to get your attention or give you some guidance. Maybe, like me, you seem to look at the clock and it’s always a certain number or combination of that number. For me it’s the number 231. When I see that number I know my dad and my aunt are around me. 231 was my Aunt’s house number. I associate that number with the two of them. The number pops up everywhere, especially when I am feeling a little low, and it pops up in unusual places. Recently, my brother put flowers on my dad’s grave and when he sent me the pix via cell phone, the time he took it was marked 2:31. I felt that was a message from my dad, like a way of saying hello. A few weeks ago, I got lost while out of state. I turned down a street and wasn’t sure which way to go to get back to my destination. I was looking for mailbox numbers and couldn’t find any until I came across the only mailbox that I saw with numbers on it. Guess what the numbers were? 231. I knew then that I had gone too far and quickly turned around. If I didn’t see that mailbox, I would have ended up in a not so desirable section of that town. That’s only two examples of my seeing these numbers. I have many more. While you might write these things off as a coincidence, there could be a greater meaning behind the numbers. If you see something like a repeating number more than usual, and ask yourself, 'Is this a sign?' then the answer is always yes, but what is it a sign of? Let's find out what it means when you see the same numbers over and over again. Whether its 11:11, 222, or 555, repeating sequences of numbers are known as "master numbers" in numerology, and seeing them over and over is a sign to pay attention to your mind, body, and soul. Some spiritualists also refer to them as "angel numbers," which basically means the same thing, except that instead of the universe communicating with us, it's thought to be our guard- ian angels serving as a guide. Whether you believe they're angels, the universe, or just your higher self calling to you, noticing the numbers is no accident. One of the most well-known and common repeated number -sightings is a series of the number one. People usually see 11, 1:11 or 11:11, mostly when they are just beginning their spiritual journey. That's because in numerology, the number one represents independence, confidence, and new beginnings, so noticing 11:11 more frequently could mean you're embarking on a new spiritual path and you are awakening to the path of the spirit realm. It means that you are on the right path. Seeing 1:11 means synchronicity is happening. Things are coming together. Newness and big energy! 1’s are the start of a cycle so they usually indicate a fresh start, a new project, a time for a change, or the beginning of a new evolution in your life journey. 1’s can signal to you that it’s time to get going on big dreams you’ve been putting off, but they may also come as sweet reminders that you’re onto something and to continue ...continued on page 46
44 The Millstone Times
September 2021
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