The Millstone Times
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Dealing with a Jealous Dog and Newborns By Gabriella Mancuso Bringing home, a newborn is an exciting and beautiful time. It appears everyone is just as excited as you, until you look at your dog. Dogs are a person’s best friend. They require a lot of attention, nurturing and caring. When you bring home a baby that requires those same exact things, your priorities shift a bit and your dog notices. If you have been noticing odd behavior from your pup since your newest addition to the family arrived, it is simply because you dog is jealous of your newborn. There are many things you can do to help resolve this conflict. If your dog is jealous of your newborn, you can easily help the situation. If your dog is well behaved and trained, the main goal is that the newborn and dog are comfortable around each other. Create situations in which the two can be around each other. Never leave your baby and dog alone, but have them spend as much time around each other as possible. For example, pet your dog while you are sitting on the couch with the baby. You can also take your dog for a walk with the baby carriage, and when your baby is playing around on the carpet play some catch with your dog. With this you should also dedicate some alone time with your dog. The perfect opportunity to do this is when your baby is asleep. If your dog has recently started to behave bad, get jealous towards a specific person or whines and cries all the time these tips will for sure help. Dogs can get jealous over anyone or anything. However, my biggest tip for newborns and jealous dogs is to make sure you can all be one big, happy family! Equal effort, love and care for everyone including the dog.
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The Millstone Times
March 2018
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