The Millstone Times




Dealing With Speech Impediments By Gabriella Mancuso When you are a young child and first begin to speak, a small impediment may make your family laugh or smile. They may think it’s cute, innocent, and certainly not a concern. But what if that stutter, lisp, or stammer follows you into your teens and young adulthood? Suddenly, you are teased and feel ostracized. Over 3 million Americans live with speech impediments, learn to cope with their speech and finding ways to improve upon it every day of their lives. Many are simply born with a speech problem, or have developed it due to brain damage or hearing problems. Genetics also come into play. If a speech impediment runs in your family, there is a higher possibility that the children born into the family will have some form of a speech impediment. Although normal speech might seem effortless and easy, it’s actually a complex process that is produced by the nerves and vocal cords. When we are speaking, we actually are coordinating many muscles from various body parts and systems, including the larynx, which contains the vocal cords, the teeth, lips, tongue, and mouth, and the respiratory system. Having a speech impediment stems from an abnormality within this process. So, how can these speech problems be treated? Speech therapy treatments are available to those of all ages affected by issues with their speech, and over time, the issues can be corrected with the help of a speech language pathologist. A speech-language pathologist is trained to observe people as they speak and to identify their speech problems. Although it may be difficult to deal with a speech impediment, seek treatment and in due time it will improve.

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The Millstone Times

March 2018

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