The Millstone Times
Top Movies for Summer 2018 By Gabriella Mancuso
Everybody’s favorite time of the year is almost here, and this time it is packed with amazing, soon to come, movies. Summer 2018 is coming fast with all the movies you have been waiting for. There are comedies, action, romance and family movies for all. Oceans Eight-June 8th Taking place at New York’s most luxurious a team of female criminal’s plan to steal a necklace worth over $100 million. The Incredibles 2-June 15th Following the sequel of the first Disney classic, Incredibles 2 is shows the superhero family back in action fighting villains and getting the kids to school in time. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom-June 22nd Continuing the extremely popular series, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom is about the genetically created dinosaurs, now free into the world, causing chaos worldwide. This results in a former professional dinosaur tamer to come to the rescue. Ant-Man and the Wasp-July 6th In this superhero, action packed movie, Ant-Man joined by co-hero “Wasp” set out to retrieve haunting information from the past all while doing what they do best, fighting off the evil. Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation-July 13th This family-fun comedy shows Drac and the rest of his monster friends and family taking a vacation themselves aboard a spooky cruise ship. Mission Impossible: Fallout-July 27th From crawling through elevators, to top secret missions, Ethan Hunt is back and on a new mission after finding himself in an extremely dangerous situation, but of course he is not alone. The First Purge-July 4th This horror movie tells the story of the first purge experiment taking place in Staten Island, New York. Despite being the latest one in the series this prequel shows the horror that took place the first time the law stepped down for 24 hours. Skyscraper-July 13th Trapped in a burning building, the family of a former police officer’s lives are set at stake, and who else to save them then the now out of retirement crime fighter himself.
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